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r <br />OCT 20 1992 Boa 87 �-Arr.87'7 <br />In furtherance of this goal, the Tourist Council recommended that, the <br />contract with the Chamber of Commerce be revised to delete the limitations <br />on meal expenses for domestic and international travel wholesalers within the <br />County for familiarization trips. Currently they are limited to $3.00 for <br />breakfast, $6.00 for lunch, and $12.00 for dinner. The Council felt that <br />promotional expenses by the Tourist Bureau should not be subject to such <br />stringent limitations. The Council further felt that the prohibition on use of <br />revenues for a travel writer's program should be eliminated, and that the <br />prohibition on use of tourist tax revenues for office equipment for the <br />County Tourist Bureau should be modified to provide that those expenses <br />could be incurred if recommended by the County Tourist Council and <br />approved by the Board of County Commissioners on an individual request <br />basis. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Authorize the Chairman to execute the attached Resolution approving the <br />Second Amendment to the Agreement Designating the Chamber of Commerce <br />as the Official County Tourist Bureau which Resolution further authorizes <br />the Chairman of the Tourist Development Council to execute the Second <br />Amendment on behalf of the County Commission. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that he had chaired the meeting of <br />the Indian River County Tourist Development Council, and it was <br />obvious that they felt very strongly about the recommendations that <br />were made. As far as entertainment is concerned, studies have <br />shown that foreign tourists are an important segment of our tourist <br />industry, and travel writers in particular can be extremely <br />valuable in writing favorable articles about Indian River County. <br />Commissioner Scurlock expressed concern that there were no <br />limits on how much could be spent on one meal, and asked whether <br />they could spend, for example, a thousand dollars on one meal. <br />Attorney Collins assured the Board that if too much money is <br />being spent, the Tourist Development Council will not get as <br />healthy a budget next year. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that you can't take somebody to <br />the Ocean Grill with $12.00. <br />Chairman Eggert did not think it was necessary to put a per - <br />meal limit on expenditures, and if this is abused the Board could <br />always establish a limit later. <br />Commissioner Bowman emphasized that she just would like to see <br />some results, although she was uncertain how the results could be <br />measured. <br />Attorney Collins stated that the Tourist Study that is <br />scheduled to come out in December should show some results. <br />32 <br />M M M <br />