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NOV 191992 <br />BOOK 88 PnF 94 -7 <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and announced that <br />this is a workshop only. <br />Terry Pinto, Utilities Director, came before the Board to <br />present a Water and Wastewater Overview. After thanking the Board <br />for giving him the opportunity to make this presentation, he <br />indicated that he wanted to give the Board members a history of the <br />County Utilities Department and an understanding of the various <br />components of a utilities system. <br />Director Pinto conveyed his belief that utilities service is <br />the heartbeat of a community and that it is impossible to have <br />growth without a strong utilities system. He reported that today's <br />presentation would give a general overview of water and wastewater <br />service, and future meetings would discuss assessment procedures, <br />solid waste, septage, sludge, and rate charges. <br />Director Pinto noted that in the 70's the County Commission <br />had an extraordinary amount of vision and foresight, having <br />purchased 200 acres of land to meets its landfill requirements. As <br />a result, the County was in a better position to grow twenty years <br />ago than many counties in Florida are in today. The County <br />Commission also recognized that some time in the future, the County <br />would have to get into the utilities business. In order to prepare <br />for it, the County executed franchise agreements whereby the <br />franchises would become part of a regional facility when the County <br />was ready for them. Other counties, such as Sarasota County, are <br />presently in a difficult position because they have to regionalize <br />but the franchises do not speak to what kind of transfer will take <br />place. Those counties are going to have to negotiate a major <br />purchase bond which will far exceed the actual value of the <br />franchises. <br />The IRC County Commission also managed to talk the Farmers <br />Home Administration (FHA) into a $20 million dollar loan commitment <br />in 1978 to build a major reverse osmosis water plant in South <br />County. At that time, the reverse osmosis procedure was very <br />controversial, but the County recognized that a conventional plant <br />would not be able to handle the water problems that were going to <br />occur because of the high water table and agricultural runoff. <br />Between 1980 and 1983, the County was uncertain what direction it <br />wanted to go and was headed for some major mistakes. Consideration <br />was given to purchasing the South Beach utility service franchise. <br />At a cost of $7 million dollars, a river crossing would have to be <br />done to service a maximum of 1,500 customers. Prior to 1982, <br />decisions were being made based on recommendations of the <br />Engineering Department. Although the recommendations made sense <br />from an engineering viewpoint, they did not stand up to a cost - <br />2 <br />M <br />