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M M M <br />Commissioner Adams felt the detailed bill was good because the <br />public deserves to know what it is paying for. <br />Louis Holland, resident of Heron Cay, objected to the minimum <br />charge when he is not living in that home. He said that when he <br />leaves his.Heron Cay home and goes up north, he turns off the cable <br />service, the electricity and the telephone and receives no bills, <br />but continues to receive a minimum bill for utilities. <br />Director Pinto explained that even though he is not using the <br />water or wastewater system the plant cannot shut down, the aeration <br />tanks must continue to operate, and the employees must be paid. <br />Mr. Holland stated that when he is up north he receives a <br />utility bill and sends his payment on time. If it is delayed in <br />the mails and arrives late, he is charged a penalty. He thought <br />the Utilities Department should pay attention to the postmark date, <br />as other government agencies do. <br />Bill Ramsey felt the utility bill does not explain the <br />charges. He also thought a return envelope should be included for <br />the convenience of senior citizens because if they need an <br />envelope, they must go all the way to town and that is difficult <br />for retired citizens. He gave examples of the hardship experienced <br />by residents when the owner of Aspen/Whispering Palms began making <br />demands on senior citizens, particularly widows. He stated that <br />the residents were forced to sign an agreement to pay the impact <br />fee or their rents would be raised, so in order to have peace of <br />mind they signed the agreements. Mr. Ramsey accused the County of <br />creating agreements with the park owners which affected the <br />residents. He also objected to a rate increase. <br />Director Pinto clarified that this meeting was not to discuss <br />a rate increase but rather to give the public and customers of the <br />utilities an opportunity to voice their concerns. He felt it is <br />very important for everyone to understand that the park owner is <br />our customer and is responsible for paying the bill. The ordinance <br />specifically states that tenants are not responsible for the bills. <br />Mr. Ramsey asked why the bills are sent to the individual <br />residents if the owner is responsible for paying them. <br />Director Pinto explained that the Utilities Department must <br />send the bills where the customer directs them to send the bills. <br />If we do otherwise, the customer can say he does not have to pay <br />the bill because the Utilities Department did not mail them to the <br />proper address. <br />Mr. Ramsey suggested a statement at the bottom of the bill <br />that the bill does not have to be paid by the tenant. <br />9 <br />CLEC 17 1992 BOOK 8 F'';r.:��6 <br />