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11 <br />JAN 5 991 800K ®8 f'A F 428 <br />No. 93- �2- <br />by the Public Works Department; and the total estimated cost of the <br />proposed paving and drainage improvements is ONE HUNDRED NINETY <br />NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR DOLLARS and THIRTY-SIX CENTS <br />_($199.764.36); and <br />WHEREAS, the special assessment provided hereunder shall, <br />for any given record owner of property within the area specially <br />benefited, be assessed to the owner at the rate of $2.00 per front <br />foot.' The amount to be assessed under the Special Assessment is <br />$19,138.50 which is approximately 9.56% ± of the total estimated <br />Post of the project and the balance of $180,625.86 shall come from <br />other revenue sources; and <br />WHEREAS, the special assessment shall become due and <br />payable at the Office of the Tax Collector of Indian River County <br />ninety (90) days after the final determination of the special <br />assessment pursuant to Section 206.08, Indian River County Code; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, any special assessment not paid within said <br />ninety (90) day period shall bear interest beyond the due date at <br />a rate established by the Board of County Commissioners at the time <br />of preparation of the final assessment roll, and shall be payable <br />in two (2) equal installments, the first to be made twelve (12) <br />months from the due date and subsequent payments to be due yearly; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, after examination of the nature and anticipated <br />usage of the proposed improvements, the Board of County <br />Commissioners has determined that the following described <br />properties shall receive a direct and special benefit from these <br />improvement, to wit: <br />46 <br />