JAN 19 1993 BOOK 88 PAGE5,53
<br />On March 13, 1991, a memo was sent from the County Attorney to the
<br />BCC regarding the Countryside franchise.
<br />On March 19, 1991, Mr. Ed Nelson gave a presentation to the BCC
<br />concerning the Countryside franchise. After that presentation, the
<br />BCC passed a motion "that the Board abide by the 1985 agreement;
<br />give an accounting from 1985 to date; and maintain the Commission"s
<br />position to enforce the 1985 agreement and those impact fees, but
<br />take no position on whether the park owner can pass on those fees
<br />and charges to the residents" (copy attached).
<br />On July 1, 1991, the County was notified by Samuel Block that the
<br />CMHP was prepared to connect its sewer system with the County
<br />wastewater system (copy attached).
<br />On January 21, 1992, after further assurances of connection, and at
<br />the request of CMHP for an extension of the final payment of all
<br />wastewater impact fees from 1995 to 2002 and an extension of the
<br />requirement to connect to County water from 1995 to 2002, the BCC
<br />approved a Modification to the June 5, 1985 agreement (copy
<br />attached), acknowledging and approving the use of approximately
<br />$150,000 in escrowed funds paid by Florida Atlantic to be used for
<br />the cost of connecting the CMHP to the County system (it is
<br />estimated that this will cover the connection costs), extending the
<br />final payment of all wastewater fees from 1995 to 2002, and
<br />extending the date required for connection to County water from
<br />1995 to 2002.
<br />On March 23, 1992, Utilities advised the County Attorney, by memo,
<br />of lack of action by CMHP toward connection and payment of monthly
<br />base facility -fees.
<br />On May 20, 1992, the County received a copy of the FDER Permit to
<br />CMHP for construction of the.facilities required to connect (copy
<br />attached).
<br />On June 22, 1992, Utilities advised the County Attorney, by memo
<br />(copy attached), of the May 21, 1992, meeting between Utilities and
<br />Realcor, at which Realcor advised of their receipt of the FDER
<br />Permit for construction and that they had received bids for the
<br />construction of the project and would submit the low bid to County
<br />for review and approval. As of the June 22, 1992 date, after
<br />repeated calls to Realcor, no further action toward connection had
<br />occurred. Utilities recommended proceeding with legal action at
<br />the County Attorney's convenience to force connection.
<br />On June 24 and 26, 1992, Utilities advised the County Attorney and
<br />County Administrator, by memo, of correspondence received from
<br />Samuel Block concerning Countryside wastewater billing (copy
<br />attached).
<br />On December 22, 1992, the Department received a copy of the
<br />response by-FDER in regard to the renewal of the operating permit
<br />for the Countryside wastewater treatment plant (copy attached).
<br />The response stated, "The Department has determined that this
<br />facility is a threat to the Indian River. Therefore, in accordance
<br />with the requirements of the Indian River Lagoon Protection Act
<br />(Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida), it will be necessary to abandon
<br />this facility and connect to the regional centralized sewer
<br />system."
<br />On January 7, 1993, the Department conducted its quarterly
<br />franchise utility inspection of the CMHP facilities; a copy of the
<br />inspection report mailed on January 8, 1993, is attached.
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