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Public Works Director Jim Davis advised that these items <br />basically are included in the settlement agreement and after <br />consideration and consultation with our attorney, Kenneth Kavanaugh <br />from the firm of Blackwell & Walker, staff is recommending that the <br />Board approve the settlement agreement for parcel #108. <br />Commissioner Macht felt congratulations are in order for staff <br />for what they have accomplished in these difficult negotiations. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Macht, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, that the Board approve the <br />settlement for parcel #108 as set forth in the above <br />staff recommendation. <br />Under discussion, Chairman Bird asked how many total acres did <br />we end up with other than what was needed within the road right-of- <br />way, and Director Davis advised that beyond the 200 -ft., corridor of <br />right-of-way for the road itself, we acquired 20 acres of excess <br />property to the west for which we still have not really defined a <br />use. That is the property between Country Club Pointe Subdivision <br />and the Boulevard. To the east of the Boulevard we have acquired <br />the 100 -acre impoundment #22 and we have installed 8 culverts <br />working with the Mosquito Control District to restore that 100 -acre <br />impoundment to the river. In addition, we needed an area to manage <br />the impoundment, and we acquired the uplands to the east of the <br />impoundment. As we got into the project, we realized that we <br />simply could not manage a 100 -acre impoundment utilizing the narrow <br />dike road that we had, so we acquired the rest of that property for <br />stage equipment to turn around and basically to manage the whole <br />area. At that point, the Merrill Barber Bridge replacement project <br />came into play and the DOT indicated that they would like to <br />purchase from the County the area outside of the dike which could <br />be used jointly to accommodate both the bridge replacement project <br />and the management of the impoundment. That DOT acquisition will <br />be discussed during the next item on today's Agenda. <br />Chairman Bird felt it was important to make the point so that <br />when people look at the numbers, they will realize that we are not <br />talking just about a corridor for a road, that there was a <br />considerable amount of acreage involved in this acquisition beyond <br />the needed right-of-way, some of which perhaps can count towards <br />our DCA requirement of acquiring a certain amount of additional <br />land. He hoped it could be used for that purpose. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. The Motion <br />was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />33 <br />Ffi.iu 719 <br />`E R 2 1993 <br />