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- a small area located on the west side of Roseland Road <br />(from Sebastian Municipal Airport); and <br />areas north and south of the New Hibiscus Airport. <br />In the opinion of planning staff and county attorneys office staff, <br />the revised Airport Zoning Ordinance represents a "bare bones" <br />ordinance meeting the minimum requirements of FS 333. <br />•LDR Amendments Ordinance <br />At the March 2nd hearing, the Board expressed no objections or <br />concerns regarding any portion of the ordinance as proposed. <br />Therefore, staff has made no revisions to the proposed ordinance <br />since the March 2nd hearing. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the <br />attached Airport Zoning Ordinance and the LDR Amendments Ordinance. <br />Director Boling explained the four major changes which were <br />made in the proposed airport zoning regulations as a result of the <br />first public hearing: <br />1. Delete "overflight zone" and replace with "runway clear <br />zone." The term "runway clear zone" is consistent with Florida <br />Statute 333, and the area of a runway clear zone is smaller than an <br />overflight zone. As a result, the new terminology is less <br />restrictive. The entire runway clear zone at the Vero Beach <br />Municipal Airport is within airport property. A small area outside <br />the Sebastian Airport, which is part of a much larger parcel, will <br />be affected by the new ordinance. The runway clear zone extends <br />quite a bit beyond the Hibiscus Airport property. <br />2. The revisions result in fewer restrictions on what can be <br />built within the runway clear zone. <br />3. The Planning & Zoning Commission will not have to be <br />notified of the height of proposed structures. Staff will be able <br />to grant permit requests if they are consistent with Federal <br />Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements. <br />Director Boling commented that concern was expressed about the <br />noise impact zone and avigation easements. Few changes were made <br />in the noise impact zone, and staff felt it was best to leave the <br />avigation easement option in the ordinance because it affords <br />property owners more flexibility. He indicated that the ordinance <br />is "bare bones" under the requirements of the State. Deputy County <br />Attorney William G. Collins II has prepared interlocal agreements <br />between the County and the City of Vero Beach, and between the <br />County and the City of Sebastian. The interlocal agreements <br />5 <br />BAR 181993 <br />BOOK 89 F',1GE 5 <br />