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M <br />M <br />M <br />This alternative was recommended by the Planning and zoning <br />Commission. Staff feels that, while this alternative would <br />retain the existing land use plan designation for all land <br />currently designated for agriculture,, it is economically <br />inefficient and unnecessary. Staff's position is that, if <br />urban services are to be provided to an area, then that area <br />should be allowed to develop with urban uses. <br />3. Approve transmittal to DCA of an amendment enlarging the USA <br />to include the approximately 2280 acres depicted on Attachment <br />8; and redesignating the areas depicted on Attachment 8 from <br />AG -1 to R. Staff supports this alternative. <br />This alternative is designed to retain as much agriculturally <br />designated land as possible, and keep the county's residential <br />allocation ratio as low as possible while still providing for <br />the efficient provision of urban services to approved areas. <br />Representing almost 1000 acres less than alternatives 2 and 4. <br />this alternative omits two areas included in those other <br />alternatives. <br />The two areas which are included in alternatives 2 and 4 and <br />not in alternative 3 are the 12th Street corridor and the Oslo <br />Road Corridor. In this alternative,, land along the 12th <br />Street corridor which was included in alternatives 2 and 4 <br />even though it is hot within one-quarter of a mile of a line <br />is excluded. Besides the 12th Street exclusion, land along <br />Oslo Road between 58th and 74th Avenues is not included in <br />this alternative. <br />The reason that the Oslo Road land is excluded from this <br />alternative is that the predominant use of land in this <br />corridor is agricultural. Besides the agricultural land use <br />factor, another reason for exclusion of this land is that it <br />is the only area proposed for USA expansion where one side of <br />the road is not already within the USA. Finally, it should be <br />noted that the line programmed for 9th Street S.W. (Oslo Road) <br />is a main linel and adjacent land will not be assessed for the <br />cost of installation. <br />The analysis in this staff report, including the impacts on <br />public services and the residential allocation ratio,, was <br />conducted for a 3200 acre area. Since this alternative <br />involves only 2280 acres, the impacts would be even less. <br />4. Approve transmittal to DCA of an amendment enlarging the USA <br />to include the approximately 3200 acres depicted on Attachment <br />2; and redesignating this land from AG -1 to R. This was the <br />original staff recommendation to the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission. Based on input received at the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission public hearing,, however, staff developed <br />alternative 3. which retains more agriculturally designated <br />land, while still providing for the efficient provision of <br />urban services to approved areas. <br />Approve transmittal to DCA of an amendment expanding the USA <br />and redesignating land in a different configuration than the <br />above alternatives. Such an alternative could include <br />expanding the USA to include areas where utilities service is <br />programmed to be available by 1998 or 2010 (see attachments 6 <br />and 7). This alternative could also include USA and density <br />reductions in some areas to compensate for USA expansion and <br />density increases in other areas. Finally# this alternative <br />could include redesignating land added to the USA to a land <br />use designation other than Rural. <br />21 <br />L_ JUN 22 1993 BOOK 89 phlu.885 <br />�A <br />