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TO: James Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />DVPWON HEAD CONCURRENCE: <br />W <br />Obert M. Re t ng, AIC <br />Community Development rector <br />FROM: Sasan Rohani S '1?" <br />Chief, Long-Range Planning <br />DATE: July 15, 1993 <br />RE: TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED COMMISSION FY 1993/94 <br />PLANNING GRANT APPLICATION <br />It is requested that the data herein presented be given formal <br />consideration by the Board of County Commissioners at their regular <br />meeting of July 27, 1993. <br />DESCRIPTIONS & CONDITIONS <br />In June of 1990, the Board of County Commissioners was approved by <br />the state to become the local Designated Official Planning Agency <br />(DOPA) for the provision of transportation disadvantaged planning <br />activities in the area. <br />For fiscal year 1993/1994, the state has allocated $17,689.00 to <br />Indian River County for transportation disadvantaged planning <br />related services. The grant funds are available for the specific <br />purpose of accomplishing the duties and responsibilities of the <br />Designated Official Planning Agency (DOPA) as identified in the <br />Transportation Disadvantaged law, Chapter 427, F.S. and Rule 41-2 <br />FAC. The DOPA is required to apply for the Planning Grant (copy <br />attached). <br />As provided for by the state, a Designated Official Planning Agency <br />may transfer any or all of its unobligated planning grant funds to <br />the county's non -sponsored trip/equipment grant allocation. Non - <br />sponsored trip/equipment grant funds are monies available to the <br />county's Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) to cover <br />capital and operating costs associated with the provision of <br />transportation disadvantaged service. Essentially, this transfer <br />provision allows unneeded planning funds to be transferred to the <br />Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) to be used for providing <br />trips. <br />In this case, the planning grant amount allocated to the county for <br />FY 93/94 represents an increase of $3115.00 from the FY 92/93 <br />allocation. While the planning grant amount has increased, the <br />CTC's Trip/Equipment grant allocation for FY 1993/94 has decreased <br />by $11,425.00 from the FY 1992/93 allocation. <br />Based upon a review of the amount of work involved in fulfilling <br />the county's planning related duties and responsibilities <br />associated with the Transportation Disadvantaged program, staff has <br />determined that $4,000.00 of the funds allocated for the planning <br />grant can be transferred to the CTC for provision of non -sponsored <br />transportation disadvantaged trips. If approved, the $4,000 will <br />supplement non -sponsored trip/equipment funds and will be utilized <br />by the Community Transportation Coordinator (I.R.C. Council on <br />Aging) to provide transportation services to transportation <br />disadvantaged clients. Since the total number of passenger trips <br />7 <br />L-JUL 27 i9.qj <br />BOOK 90 NAGE 43 <br />