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s � � <br />must be constructed to service other sections of the urban service <br />area. It is unfair to install lines down these roads and deny <br />service to property on one side because it is outside the urban <br />service area. Director Pinto stated that the Utilities Department <br />must know the size and location of the urban service area in order <br />to do the engineering and to design and size the lines. He <br />confirmed that the utility lines under discussion are not <br />assessable. He went on to explain that public utilities deal with <br />certificated areas of service, and if property is within 1500 feet <br />of the boundary of that certificated area, that public utility is <br />required to provide service to that property. Likewise, if <br />property owners outside of our urban service area want service, we <br />should be able to accommodate them. <br />Dr. Barkett realized all that, but he questioned the necessity <br />of changing the land use designation because a change in land use <br />invites development. <br />Director Keating pointed out that it is not necessary to <br />change the land use designations because there are alternatives. <br />Michael Zeigler, 3375 12th Street, representing property <br />owners in Section 35 on the map, stated that he personally was <br />confused and was concerned that the Board also was confused. He <br />listed the three entities involved in the proposed changes: the <br />County Planning Department with their flexible Land Use Plan of <br />2010; the County Utilities Department with the Brown and Caldwell <br />master utility plan, which could be considered a fixed plan; and <br />the county residents who have no comprehensive plan, no consensus <br />about the prospects for the year 2010 and very little understanding <br />of that 2010 plan. Mr. Zeigler pointed out that staff presented <br />recommendations at the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) meeting <br />in April, and at each succeeding meeting staff's recommendation was <br />modified and more alternatives were added. He felt that we all <br />need more time to discuss and comprehend the alternatives after we <br />hear the presentations from everyone involved. We have heard the <br />opinions of residents for and against development, but we have not <br />heard what other counties have done and the consequences of their <br />actions. The proposed change is directed at 2280 or 3200 acres, <br />but the entire county will be affected by this change. Mr. Zeigler <br />also believed we do not understand enough about the possible <br />consequences of the proposed change to make a decision, whether it <br />is a policy requirement, redesignation requirement or exception of <br />a particular area or segment of the county. We need to understand <br />what the implications will be regarding the cost and who will bear <br />the assessments. Mr. Zeigler agreed with the suggestion that long - <br />21 <br />JUL -271993 <br />BOOK 90 PACE <br />