SECTIONS 5-7: Site Plan Project and Special Exception Use
<br />Amendments
<br />As part of its action to encourage economic development within
<br />Indian River County, staff with the concurrence of the Board of
<br />County Commissioners, initiated a review of three aspects of
<br />project approval procedures:
<br />1. Use approval categories (permitted uses, administrative permit
<br />uses, special exception uses);
<br />2. Requirements for the expansion of special exception uses; and
<br />3. Site plan review thresholds (administrative approval, minor
<br />site plan, major site plan).
<br />In staff's opinion, certain uses and expansion projects now
<br />requiring special exception approval 'could be re-classified as
<br />administrative permit uses to streamline the review and approval
<br />process. Also, certain types of site plan projects which now
<br />require Planning and Zoning Commission approval could be treated
<br />differently and approved at a staff level.
<br />*Use Categories (Sections 5A - 5P)
<br />Current LDRs classify allowable uses as either "permitted",
<br />"administrative permit" or "special exception". Both the
<br />administrative permit and special exception use categories are
<br />"conditional uses"; that is, certain special conditions or specific
<br />land use criteria must be met for such a use to be approved on a
<br />given site. These special criteria are tailor-made for specific
<br />uses and help ensure use compatibility. While both administrative
<br />permit uses and special exception uses are subject to these
<br />criteria and Planning and Zoning Commission review, special
<br />exception uses are considered in more detail. Special exception
<br />uses require surrounding property owner notice, advertising and
<br />public hearings by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board
<br />of County Commissioners. Thus, special exception use approval is
<br />more costly and time-consuming than administrative permit use
<br />approval.
<br />In most cases, the special exception uses identified in the
<br />existing LDRs are appropriate and warrant special public hearings
<br />and close county scrutiny. However, staff's experience over the
<br />last several years indicates that certain uses now classified as
<br />special exception uses are usually non -controversial and are almost
<br />"routine" when the applicable specific land use criteria are
<br />clearly satisfied. Based upon this analysis, Sections 3A - 3P of
<br />the.proposed ordinance implement the following changes:
<br />Uee
<br />Fra®
<br />To
<br />1.
<br />8oncommereial stable
<br />BPJCM �m (Ba -2, 88-3, 88-6,
<br />A Pin= (88-2, 88-3, _
<br />M-6, BM -3, PM -6, B4-6, BM -8, BM -10)
<br />88-6, M-6, R!D-3, P4-6, AM -6, M4-8,
<br />BM -10) -
<br />:c 2.
<br />Gust oottage and
<br />RMCM XM@ (88-2, 88-3, 88-6,
<br />MKMEMMMM PRIC.T (88-2, m-3,
<br />servant's quarters
<br />BT -6, Can -2, Con -3)
<br />88-6, 87'-6, Con -2, Con -3)
<br />3.
<br />Hed and breakfast
<br />fiPMAL EXCUMm (MBO, m)
<br />i PZM= (M®, CO)
<br />d.
<br />Fruit/vegetable
<br />P8M]T (CG, C8)
<br />Packinghouse
<br />S.
<br />Fruit/vegetable jnlce
<br />extraction
<br />Bman Bim (m)
<br />(CH)
<br />6.
<br />Bducatianal aentess
<br />BPBCiaTi Bzc� (OCA, M, Cf, CL,
<br />AUEMZ829AEM PST (OCR, !M,
<br />CO)
<br />CM, CG)
<br />7.
<br />Colleges ` usiversities
<br />BpBCZIL IMM02im (OCR, Mme, CL, CO)
<br />ant s PIIBaT (OCR, MBD,
<br />CL, CO)
<br />8.
<br />Self storage
<br />BPBCM B>MWZm (00)
<br />my, 3p (Cg)
<br />13
<br />BooK 90 PrUE273
<br />AUG 2 3 1993
<br />