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r- AUG 24 1993 <br />BOOK : 90 PAGE 203 <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Tippin, the Board approved the Minutes <br />of the Regular Meeting of August lo, 1993, as <br />written. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Proclamation Designating September 5-11 1993 as Literacy Week <br />in Indian River County, Florida <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously adopted <br />the following Proclamation: <br />PROCLAMATION <br />DESIGNATING SEPTEMBER 5-11, 1993 <br />AS LITERACY WEER IN <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />WHEREAS, in 1992, the ADULT LITERACY SERVICE OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY volunteers contributed 51,988 hours of their time to teach <br />adults from age 16 to 60 how to read and write English; and <br />WHEREAS, the ability to read is of fundamental importance to <br />all people; and <br />WHEREAS, this nation was founded by, and depends upon, a <br />literate and informed citizenry; and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of the ADULT LITERACY SERVICE OF INDIAN <br />RIVER COUNTY is to use a one-to-one tutoring approach to teach <br />basic reading and writing skills to the illiterate, or <br />functionally illiterate, adults within the County; and <br />WHEREAS, -literacy is a gateway to the full participation in <br />the affairs of this nation; and - <br />WHEREAS, adult new readers should be recognized for their <br />efforts toward personal and civic growth; and <br />WHEREAS, volunteers in adult literacy programs should be <br />commended for their willingness to help others improve their <br />skills; and <br />WHEREAS, from Noon to 5:00 p.m. on September 8, 1993, the <br />ADULT LITERACY SERVICE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY will host an open <br />house at the.Indian River County Library: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS OF. INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the week of <br />September 5-11, 1993 shall be designated as <br />LITERACY WEER <br />in Indian River County, and all citizens are urged to support and <br />honor those adults for whom the achievement of literacy, for <br />themselves and others, has•become a primary goal. <br />Adopted this 24 day of August, 1993. <br />2 <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Richard N. Bird, Chairman <br />