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b00K 91 PACE 844 <br />Chairman Tippin didn't feel we needed another formal workshop <br />before the July workshop. He suggested an informal workshop where <br />staff can see what each department is doing, because he felt more <br />interdepartmental communication is always good. <br />Commissioner Macht felt we should continue with a televised <br />workshop so that the people can better understand the budget <br />process. <br />Administrator. Chandler reminded everyone that the 1 -cent sales <br />tax workshop will be held in April, as will the SWDD workshop. <br />Property Appraiser David Nolte clarified that rollback gives <br />a free ride on new construction. If other sources of funds are <br />equal and the -budgets are rolled back, there could be a 1-1/2 to 2 <br />percent actual increase in funding off the tax roll. In other <br />words, if you want to talk about operating on the same budget as <br />last year, which will be a total zero, that is one thing. However, <br />if you are talking about getting to rollback, there could be a 1- <br />1/2 to 2 percent actual increase. It takes a lot of $100,000 <br />houses to be built to generate $1 million in construction revenue. <br />Director Baird pointed out that we also are going to have to <br />absorb a significant amount from the tax adjustments made by the <br />Value Adjustment Board. <br />Chairman Tippin thanked OMB Director Joe Baird and his staff <br />for their presentation of an excellent workshop. He noted that the <br />Commissioners would be getting back to staff with input. <br />Administrator Chandler emphasized that staff would welcome all <br />sorts of input and direction before getting into budget preparation <br />in April. <br />There being no further business, on Motion duly made, seconded <br />and carried, the Board adjourned at 11:25 a.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />J. K. Barton, Clerk <br />20 <br />A4"'7_ i - /ia4 7 4-�-L <br />John W. Tijp�i/h , Chairma <br />