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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:24:59 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 4:46:43 PM
Meeting Type
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2. Certain rights of way adjacent to drainage snblaterale "S" 179 189 199 200 219 <br />22, 23, 241 259 269 2?, 28, 29, 30, 310 32, 33 and 34 and extending along these sub - <br />laterals for approximately ^one mile to a point where each of the said rights of way inter- <br />sect the right of way running Horth and South and described in paragraph 1. above. <br />_ _ _. _.. _. W . _ _.. _ v. .._ _. _.. _.., , <br />3. A pertain thirty foot right of way running parallel with and about one half way <br />between Laterals "S" and •q", extending from a point where this right of way intersects <br />the tracks of the Trans 3Plorida Central Railroad, thence south for approximately miles <br />to Drainage Canal No 340' <br />40- Certain rights of way adjacent to DrainAge Sublaterals "q 8" 179 189 19 20 9 21, <br />221 23, 24, 25, 26 g 27, 28, 299 31: 319 32; 330 and 34, and extending along each of these <br />sublaterals for approximately two miles from Lateral "S" to Lateral "q": <br />Where the wards Canale, Laterals and Sublaterale are referred to in the foregoing <br />they refer to portions of the drainage system of the Fellsmsre Drainage District and are <br />In accordance with the official plats of said District. <br />Upon being put to a rote the same was unanimously adopted. <br />W. B. `&affer appeared before the Board requesting assistance in paying hospital <br />bill of Elmer Redding, who was injured while doing work with the releif forces. On motion <br />ma4 v seconded and carried it was ordered the sum of $25.00 be appropriated out of the <br />General Revenue Fund to <br />assist <br />in paying <br />hospital bill. <br />It was ordered Mrs. <br />M. B. <br />Woodruff, <br />Fellsmere, be- placed on the pauper list to <br />receive the sum of $6.00 per month. <br />It was o rdered that re -plat of Ri vera Es tater owned by A .I . Co away be accepted and <br />the Clerk instructed to execute the same on behalf of the Board. <br />A. G. Even submitted an assignment for $250.00 due him from the School Board on <br />account of Special School District #19 for amount bid on the T.W.Brunen house at Sheriff 1i <br />sale and levied upon under execution on judgment held by the County, which was accepted, <br />and ordered that such assignment be given the School Board and same cancelled out as to <br />that much of the debt of this Special School District. <br />A petition was presented signed by Dewey Reams and 9 others requesting the Board to <br />construct a 30 foot farm road leading from ;State Road #4 to the East along the section <br />line between .Sections <br />1 and 12 Township <br />33 South Range 39 <br />for approximately 1/2 mile. <br />On <br />motion made seconded <br />and carried it vias <br />ordered that the <br />Road SuPerintendent do this <br />wo <br />as soon as possible. <br />The Barnett National Bank, Cocoa., Florida, having filed application to be designated <br />as County Depository for the year beginning July lot 1933 and ending June 30th 1933, and <br />no other application being on file, it was ordered that such Bank be designated as <br />Depository for the ensuing year and security in the amount of $10,000.00 in U.S.Governmen <br />bonds be placed with the State Comptroller to secure such funds: In the even the total <br />amount on deposit exceeds this amount then additional security shall be given. <br />It was ordered that the mothers Pension allowance to Mrs Emma Crocker be reduced <br />$4.00 per month. <br />It was ordered Mary E Daniels, Vero Beach, be placed on the pauper list to receive <br />the sum of $4.00 per month. <br />It was ordered that Preacher Bane, negro, Sebastian, receive the sum of $6.00 per <br />month as a pauper instead of $5.00 heretofore ordered. <br />It was ordered Mrs Eva Vo tj ik be placed back on the mothers Pension list to receive <br />the sumrof $6.00 per month. <br />Geo. T. Badger, appeared before the Board regarding roofing paint for County <br />Bu ildinge. <br />1 <br />1 <br />11 <br />1 <br />
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