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BOOK P� <br />Supermarket: "Any full line, self service grocery store with <br />sales volume of $2 idillion or more annually." <br />The Guide Book further defines an even larger grocery store (over <br />30,000 square feet) as a "superstore". Thus, "The Progressive <br />Grocer" defines supermarket as a type and subset of grocery store, <br />with a supermarket characterized as having $2 million or more in <br />annual sales. According to testimony at the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission meeting by the appellant's planning consultant, this <br />sales volume would roughly equate to a 4,204 square foot store, <br />based -on $11.38. per square foot. <br />The applicant has cited definitions of "grocery (store)" and <br />"supermarket" from two dictionaries (see attachment #1). The <br />definitions are consistent with the definitions in other common <br />dictionaries that staff uses. Listed below are the definitions for <br />grocer, grocery store, and supermarket from Websters Ninth New <br />Collegiate Dictionary: <br />Grocer: a dealer in staple food stuffs, meats, produce and <br />dairy products and usually household goods. <br />Grocery Store: 1. Commodities sold by a grocer, 2. A grocer's <br />store. <br />SuperMarket: a self service retail market selling foods and <br />household merchandise. <br />These definitions, including the appellant's, indicate that the <br />same type of merchandise is sold at grocery stores 'and <br />supermarkets, and that the uses are essentially the same. <br />Definitions indicate that supermarkets are large grocery stores, <br />which is precisely staff's point. "Supermarkets" may logically be <br />defined as a type of grocery store (a large grocery store). <br />•COMPARISON OF "GROCERY STORE" AND "SUPERMARKET" USES <br />It was staff's intent, in using the term "grocery store" when <br />drafting the zoning code, to include supermarkets. That is why the <br />term supermarkets does not appear in the zoning code. In essence, <br />it would be redundant to list the same use twice. Since <br />"supermarket" is not a specifically listed use category, however, <br />staff went through the procedure set -out in the LDRs to determine <br />the most similar use to "supermarket". According to the LDRs, such <br />a determination shall be made based upon a review of the Standard <br />Industrial Classification (SIC) code, a source which is used as a <br />general framework for the zoning code. Other factors which may be <br />considered shall be characteristics such as: traffic generation, <br />parking requirements, noise, compatibility to surrounding uses, <br />lighting, hours of operation, intensity, visual impacts, and type <br />of traffic. Staff's determination was made based upon a review of <br />the SIC code and a comparison of these criteria and other logical <br />factors. <br />•SIC Review <br />The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) (attachment #5) is a <br />system for classifying establishments by type of economic activity. <br />The SIC manual groups, by 4 digit SIC number, those types of <br />establishments that primarily engage in the same activity (use). <br />The SIC code is one of the most extensive compilations of industry <br />classification available. Since the SIC code was used as a general <br />framework -and reference tool for developing the zoning code, the <br />SIC code is also used in interpreting the county's zoning code. <br />July 12, 1994 <br />F-7 <br />L <br />6 <br />M <br />_I <br />