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�Crm�rlte�cbritract ', I <br />Ff ndJtc arse f f , <br />r 1. PARTIES AND PROPERTY; J<fN Coraoradon a Fronde coraoratfon ("Buyrer'j <br />r sprees to buy and radian Rarer County , F1orlHrat subtf(vtrJon of the Sate of Honda JT ("Seiier'j <br />3-, agrees to sell the property as: Street Address: JCGtOf 9th Stet S. W., Vero Beach, ftdda, F1odda <br />r <br />r LegelDescri;itlore aaeatlanc�dFxhlbft"A'forlagaldoscdpdon. �'--vT-- <br />a• <br />r and the following Personal Property: <br />r <br />9 (all colloWvsly referred to as the "Property's on the terms and conditions set forth below. <br />tr 2: PURCHASE PRICE: S Bt 8.1100 00 <br />1r (a) Deposit held In escrow by jlophls gratvri SaMott Oaravarriia A team Chartered i 20 t't00.00 <br />1z McmwAgerrM tel■dnamaut eib,esaeadnn■leeiectanx <br />1s• EscrowAgcnYsaddraaa: raeaeedneana w�a■■ca fy�a�lo Prion: 772/231-4343 <br />1a• (b) Additional deposit to be made to Escrow Agent within days after Effectlyo Date S <br />1s,- (c) Additional deposit to be made to Escrow Agent within _ ^ days after Effective Date <br />1r (d) Total financing (ape Paragraph 5) S <br />11' (0) Other —; i <br />1e (ij All deposits will be credited to the purchase price of closing. Balance to dose, subject <br />1s• to adjustments and protetlons, to be paid with locally drawn cashlers or offldal ba k $ 826.M. . <br />20 aheck(s) or wire tr.►nafar.� / _;� <br />21 3. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE; COMPUTA71ON OF TIME; Unless this otter Is signed by Badu <br />22' end Buyer and an executed copy delivered to all parties on or before.I'lsb , this offer will be <br />23 withdrawn and the isoybr's deposit, it any, will be returned. The time for acceptarx:e of any counter offer will be 3 - <br />u . days from the date tate counter offer is delivered. The" Effective Date" of this Contract is the date on which the <br />25 last one of the Seller And Buyer has signed or initialed and delivered this offer or the final counter offer. <br />2e Colander days will be used when cam rig time pedods, ext ept time periods of 5 days or less. Time periods of 5 <br />27 .days or tees will be computed without Including Saturday, Sunday, or national legal holidays. Any time period ending <br />2e on a Saturday, Sunday, or national legal holiday will extend until 5:00 p,m. of the next business day. Time is of the <br />29 essence In this Contract. <br />3o d. CLOSING DATE AND LOCATION: <br />zo (C.r <br />m' (a) Closing Date: This transaction wili,be dosed on Ata;",,Ja M (Closing Date). unless specifically <br />a extended by other provisions of this Contract. The Closing Date will prevail over all other time perlodi Including, but <br />So not limited to, Financing end Due Diligence periods, In the event insurance underwriting Is suspended on Closing <br />14 Date and Buyer Is unable to obtain property Insurance, Buyer may postpone dosing up to 5 days aftat the <br />u insurance underwriting susperiaian Isis liked. <br />u• euyar t_) (_} and eolia4a-111edge revelpt of a espy of this page. ahleh b Paye 1 ora Pages. <br />CC•a Rw.1L1e e2eta FloAda AgxrdbldREA4,TORS� tar Rbl+al Rrrerved <br />Lkemad to AhaStar Sa wanand Ie:0.f3U1e14000029.12=2 <br />Software and added toffs ttlna 0 2018 Alm star Sortware, all rights "Drrod, • • (877) 274.0498 <br />