<br />RFP IRC1737-74th Ave and 1st Street SW v2
<br />Regulations: It shall be the responsibility of the submitter to assure compliance with any OSHA, EPA and / or
<br />other Federal or State of Florida rules, regulations, or other requirements, as each may apply.
<br />Interpretations: No oral interpretations will be made to any submitter as to the meaning of the request for
<br />proposal documents. Every request for such an interpretation shall be made in writing, addressed and
<br />forwarded to Indian River County (purchasing@ircgov,com) ten (10) or more days before the date fixed for
<br />opening of the proposals. The County shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any County
<br />employee. Every interpretation made to submitters will be in the form of an Addendum, which if issued, will be
<br />sent promptly as is practical to all persons to whom RFP documents have been issued. All such Addenda shall
<br />become part of the RFP documents. Further, it shall be the responsibility of each submitter, prior to submitting
<br />their response, to contact Indian River County's Purchasing Division at (772) 226-1416 to determine if addenda
<br />were issued and to make such addenda a part of their submittal.
<br />Direct Purchase: Indian River County reserves the option to purchase certain tangible materials necessary for
<br />the performance of the Contract, and thereby save the amount of the sales tax thereon by virtue of the Owner's
<br />status as a Tax Exempt Institution. For the purpose of these procedures, the Contractor will assign to the County
<br />any rights the Contractor may have under quotes, contracts or commitments received from the particular
<br />vendor or supplier for the materials described in the requisition. The invoiced amount of County Purchased
<br />Materials and applicable sales tax, had the purchases not been tax exempt, once finalized through the Owner's
<br />Purchase Order and after confirmation of completed delivery and acceptance, will be deducted from the
<br />Contractor's Contract price via Change Order.
<br />Permits, Impact and Inspection Fees. In accordance with Florida Statutes Section 218.80, the "Public Bid
<br />Disclosure Act", Indian River County as OWNER is obligated to disclose all license, permit, impact, or inspection
<br />fees that are payable to Indian River County in connection with the construction of the Work by the accepted
<br />proposer. All permit, impact, or inspection fees payable to Indian River County in connection with the work on
<br />this County project will be paid by Indian River County, with the exception of re -inspection fees. The Proposer
<br />shall not include ANY PERMIT, IMPACT, NOR INSPECTION FEES payable to Indian River County in their cost
<br />proposal.
<br />Applicable Law and Venue: This solicitation, its resulting agreement and all rights and duties of the parties
<br />hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, including but not limited to the provisions of the
<br />Florida Uniform Commercial Code Chapters 671-679 F.S., for any terms and conditions not specifically stated in
<br />this solicitation and any resulting agreement. Venue for any lawsuit brought by either party against the other
<br />party or otherwise arising out of this Contract shall be in Indian River County, Florida, or, in the event of a
<br />federal jurisdiction, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
<br />Conflict of Interest: Any entity submitting a bid or proposal or entering into a contract with the County shall
<br />disclose any relationship that may exist between the contracting entity and a County Commissioner or a County
<br />Employee. The relationship with a County Commissioner or a County Employee that must be disclosed is as
<br />follows: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife,
<br />father-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother,
<br />stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandparent, or grandchild. The term
<br />"affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and
<br />agents who are active in the management of the entity. The disclosure of relationships shall be a sworn
<br />statement made on a County approved form. Failure to submit the form will be cause for rejection of the bid or
<br />proposal.
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