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Advertising and Outreach <br />General recycling advertisements are currently running on various networks through Comcast and <br />a recycling poster is on display in the lobby of the AMC Theater. General recycling information <br />appears in Vero Voice magazine on a monthly basis, and weekly recycling information appears in <br />the Vero Flash email newsletter. During the holidays, we launched our annual holiday recycling <br />campaign where advertisements were placed in newspaper and radio broadcasts reminding <br />residents to recycle wrapping paper and cardboard boxes in the blue cart, and bring their live <br />Christmas trees to one of the five customer convenience centers. <br />Indian River County School Recycling Pilot Program <br />One of the most exciting accomplishments of the first quarter was the preparation for the Indian <br />River County School Recycling Pilot Program. With a collaborative effort between SWDD, the School <br />District of Indian River County, Waste Management, the Carton Council and Keep Indian River <br />Beautiful, the pilot program was successfully launched at the four pilot schools on January 8, 2018. <br />SWDD will discuss the pilot program launch in more detail during the second quarterly update. <br />2 <br />