<br />mm deliver written notice toSeller (a) extending Cure Period for a specified period not toexceed 12Odays within which
<br />mw Seller shall continue touse reasonable diligent effort to remove or cure the defects edCure Period"\, or
<br />zo (b) electing to accept title with exisUng defects and doaa this Contract on Closing Date (or if Closing Doba has
<br />mm pmsnad.vv|tUintheaar|iernf1OdaysofterendoYExtendedCurapehodorBuye(snams|ptof8eUe/onoboe).or(d
<br />:m electing toterminate this Contract and receive arefund ofthe Deposit, thereby releasing Buyer andSeller from all
<br />m» further ob|iQobVneunder this Contract. |fafter reasonable diligent effort, Seller isunable bztimely cure defects, and
<br />»«» Buyer does not waive the defects, this Contract shall terminate, and Buyer shall receive a refund of the Deposit,
<br />»»» thereby releasing Buyer and Seller from all further obligations under this Contract.
<br />:*1 13. SURVEY: If Survey discloses encroachments on thg Rao| Property orthat improvements located thereon
<br />a«» encroach on setback |inaa' easements, or lands of others, or violate any naotdoUonm, oovanonts, or applicable
<br />nvx governmental regulations described |nSTANDARD &(i)ha\ or(d)above, Buyer shall deliver written notice of
<br />394 such mattano, together with e copy of Survey, to Seller within 5 days after Buyer's naoa1[t of Survey, but no later
<br />m» than Closing. If Buyer timely do|iVena such ODUc8 and GUrVeV to 88Ue[' such matters identified in the notice and
<br />»o« Survey shall constitute a title defect, subject to cure obligations of STANDARD Anbove. \fSeller has delivered a
<br />mn prior survey, Seller shall, at Buyer's request, areuuba an affidavit of"no nhongo'' to the Real Property since the
<br />ueu preparation of such prior survey, to the extent the affirmations therein are true and correct
<br />399 C' INGRESS AND EGRESS; Seller nspnaoentn that there is ingress and egress tmthe Rom| Property and title to
<br />^oo the Real Property is insurable in accordance with STANDARD A without exception for lack of legalright of access.
<br />*01 D. LEASE INFORMATION: Seller shall, at least 10 days prior to Closing, furnish to Buyer estoppel letters from
<br />^mz haspecifying nature and duration ofoccupancy, nanba} nates, advanced rent and security
<br />403 deposits paidbyhanant(s)or u t(a|Letter(&)'),\fSe||ariaunab|ebmotdainaWohEstoope|Letbar(o)
<br />*cw the same information shall be furnished by Seller to Buyer within that time period in thie form ofoSellers affidavit
<br />*oa and Buyer mathereafter contact henant(s) oroocupant(o)hnconfirm such information. If Estoppel Letter(s) or
<br />*vs Seller's affidavit, ifany, differ materially from Sellers representations and }eaoa(a) provided pursuant toParagraph
<br />wn G. or if tenant(s)/occupant(s) fail or nahxaa to confirm Seller's affidavil� Buyer may deliver written notice to Seller
<br />468 within 6 days after receipt of such infonnedion, but no later than 5 days prior to Closing Daba, terminating this
<br />^oe Contract and receive a refund of the Deposit, thereby releasing Buyer -and Seller from all further obligations under
<br />wo this Contract. Seller shall, at Closing, deliver and assign all leases to Buyer who shall assume Sellers obligations
<br />411 thauaundec
<br />wa E. LIENS: Seller shall furnish to Buyer at Closing an affidavit attesting /U to the absence ofany financing
<br />wx stabyment, claims of lien or potential lienors; known to Seller and thsdthene� have been no improvements or
<br />:14 repairs lothe Real Property for BO days immediately preceding Closing Date. �dhe Real Pnope�yhas been
<br />415 improved orm:pa|nadxvithinthat Ume.Seller aheUdeliver releases brvva|veryofoonstuuctionliens executed byall
<br />^,s general cuntnactoro, oubcontnsdoro, suppliers and moteria|men in addition to Seller's lien affidavit setting forth
<br />«r names of all such general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and materialmen, further affirming that all charges
<br />wo for improvements or repairs which could serve as a basis for a construction lien or a claim for damages have been
<br />419 paid orwill bopaid aLClosing.
<br />mo F. TIME: Calendar days shall be used in computing time periods. Time is of the essence in this Contract. Other
<br />421, U7nn ti for acceptance and Effective Date as set forth in Paragraph 3, any time periods provided for ordates
<br />*uo specified inthis Contract, whether preprinted, handwritten, typewritten or inserted herein, which shall end oroccur
<br />wm onaSaturday, or a national legal holiday (see 5 U.S.C. 6103) shall extend to 5:00 p.m. (where the Property
<br />«m imlocated) nfthanext business day.
<br />425 G. FORCE K8AJEUFCE; Buyer orSeller shall not be required to perform any obligation undeFthis Contract or be
<br />mu liable to each other for damages so long as performance or non-performancia of the obligation,ortheaVoi|abiUb/of
<br />*zr services, insurance or required approvals essential to Closing, is disrupted', delayed, caused orprevented bvForce
<br />m» Majeure. "Force K8ajeure7 means: hunhnanao, flooda, extreme weather, earthquakes, fire, orother acts of God,
<br />«m unusual transportation delays, or wars, insurrections, or acts of terrorism, which, by exercise of reasonable diligent
<br />430 t or overcome.. AJI time
<br />'431 Closing Date, will be extended a reasonable time up no / days after the Force Majeure, no longer pnavenuo
<br />^zo performance under this Contract, provided, however, ifsuch Fu�Majeure 'aupeoonUnoeabopnnventpedbnnanoeunder
<br />*xu this Oonb�ctrnore{hmn3Ddays beyond Closing ��ote'then ehhar terminateIh| Contract delivering
<br />434 wr�b*nnoUoetmthe other and the Deposit shall berefunded toBuyer, ihepebyreleasing Buyer and Seller from all
<br />^nefurther obligations darth|sOonhact.
<br />43e H. CONVEYANCE: Seller shall convey marketable title tothe Rea( Property by statutory warranty, trustee's,
<br />*or personal /opnaoont$UVe'n, or guardian's deed, as appropriate to the status -of Seller, subject only to matters
<br />438 dompribedin STANDARD /\and those accepted by Buyer. Personal Property shall, otrequest ofBuyer, be
<br />`
<br />Page 8o«1u ��am
<br />FlofidaRealto"'Plon aSar-ASIS-5 70 2u1rFlorida naauvnseand The noduaBar. Allxnhts riasemwd '
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