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CHILDREN'S SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE PROGRAMS 2016-17 <br />Program Descriptions. Each program funded in 2016-17 funding year has two descriptions, <br />the Taxonomy Description and a general description. The Taxonomy description is from the <br />Taxonomy of Human Services, a standardized national classification system that indexes <br />community resources based on the services they provide and the target populations they serve. <br />The Taxonomy Description eliminates duplication of services issues. For the purposes of brevity <br />the secondary Taxonomy Description has been shortened. The general description adds <br />information specific to each program. <br />Cost Per Child: Children's Services Advisory Committee funds a wide variety of programs <br />addressing a wider variety of needs in Indian River County. Therefore, it should be understood <br />that the following variables affect the average cost per child. <br />Some programs are provided for individuals, others are for groups. <br />Some programs require highly trained professionals, while other can utilize volunteers. <br />Some programs are residential or home visit programs; while others are day programs. <br />Some of the programs are single source funding and others are shared funding. <br />Some programs are for one occurrence, while others serve a one child the entire school year. <br />-8- <br />21 <br />