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AAPTI M <br />We will develop a draft construction schedule for the County's review. <br />We will develop Biological, Physical, and Turbidity Monitoring Plans as necessary. <br />March 14, 2018 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />We will compile and submit required information related to proposed upland and offshore sand sources for the <br />project. We will develop a Sediment QA/QC plan for upland and offshore sand sources as necessary. <br />We will work with FDEP to help develop the requirement for sufficient information to consider an upland sand <br />mine as a potential source for the project. We will also work with FDEP to help develop minimum geotechnical <br />standards to identify acceptable material from the upland sources. We will coordinate directly with FDEP and the <br />upland sand mines as needed. <br />We will work with FDEP regarding utilizing previous data and analysis of the offshore borrow areas of the County <br />to be acceptable in assisting with the design and permitting of an offshore borrow area for this project. We will <br />work with FDEP to help develop what additional data or analysis, if any, may be required to move forward with <br />an offshore borrow area as a sand source for this project. If additional field work is required by FDEP for <br />development of an offshore borrow area, then the associated field work, analysis, and coordination will be <br />conducted under a separate work order. <br />We will coordinate with the County and Ecological Associates to incorporate sea turtle nesting data and any <br />wildlife surveys conducted on site. <br />We will coordinate with FDEP regarding artificial reef mitigation planning. We will work to resolve possible <br />mitigation requirements for the previous Sector 3 project. We will work with FDEP to develop an acceptable <br />Mitigation Plan for the upcoming project, which may include a Contingency Mitigation Plan similar to the previous <br />project. <br />We will coordinate with USFWS regarding this project being covered by the Statewide Programmatic Biological <br />Opinion (SPBO). Separate consultation on piping plovers and red knots may be required. It is anticipated that <br />consultation with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) will be required in order to determine appropriate <br />reasonable and prudent measures, terms and conditions and conservation measures for sea turtles, smalltooth <br />sawfish, loggerhead critical habitat and listed coral species. <br />We will coordinate with the County regarding the sovereign submerged lands portion of the application (questions <br />10 through 12). The County will be responsible for responding to this section, including demonstrating that the <br />applicant has sufficient control and interest in the riparian upland property, developing a list of names and <br />addresses of owners of all riparian property within 500 feet, and a legal property description and acreage of any <br />sovereign submerged land that would be encompassed by the requested lease or easement. <br />We will follow guidance provided by the FDEP and USACE with respect to the filing convention and submittal <br />requirements. We will coordinate with the FDEP and USACE ahead of submittal when and where possible to avoid <br />Requests for Additional Information (RAI). We will follow-up with the FDEP and USACE to ensure receipt and <br />distribution of the applications. <br />Sector 3-2018006— WO#2: Design and Permitting Proj. #631235714 <br />