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Work Order No. 2 <br />431 Avenue & 261h Street <br />Intersection Improvements <br />F. Monument Signage: <br />The Consultant shall prepare construction plans to support the construction of a <br />wayfinding monument sign complimentary to the newly constructed wayfinding <br />monument sign constructed at Aviation Boulevard and Airport Drive. The Consultant shall <br />prepare specific design documents indicating the style, size, materials, finishes, etc. <br />necessary to construct the final approved sign. The Consultant shall coordinate with the <br />City of Vero Beach and the Vero Beach Regional Airport Director. The Consultant shall also <br />prepare a foundation planting plan to support the sign installation. It is not anticipated <br />that an irrigation system will be required to support the foundation plantings. <br />G. Signalization Plans: <br />The COUNTY desires to prepare traffic signalization plans associated with the 43rd Avenue/ <br />26th Street intersection. It is understood that the proposed signalization improvements will <br />consist of a mast arm traffic signal assembly at the subject intersection which will be <br />designed to meet current IRC and FDOT standards. The plans will include the design and <br />layout of proposed signal poles, signal heads, video detection, conduit, and pull boxes. <br />The plans will include all call outs, controller timing chart, signal head details, sign details, <br />controller notes, signal operating plan, overhead street name sign design details, pole <br />schedules, tabulation of quantities. The set of plans will include the following sheets: key <br />sheet; tabulation of quantities; general notes; plan sheet; sign work sheets (if necessary) <br />and strain pole schedule. <br />H. Lighting Plans: <br />The Consultant will develop lighting plans to support the intersection improvements. It is <br />intended that the street lighting system will utilize standard City of Vero Beach <br />Transmission and Distribution fixtures and poles and will not require a metered circuit. <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />