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C. The Requesting Party shall pay the total costs for the use and consumption of any and all <br />consumable supplies delivered by the Assisting Party for the Requesting Party under this Agreement. In <br />the case of perishable supplies, consumption shall be deemed to include normal deterioration, spoilage <br />and damage notwithstanding the exercise of reasonable care in its storage and use. Supplies remaining <br />unused shall be returned to the Assisting Party in usable condition upon the close of the Period of <br />Assistance, and the Requesting Party may deduct the cost of such returned supplies from the total costs <br />billed by the Assisting Party for such supplies. If the Assisting Party agrees, the Requesting Party may <br />also replace any and all used consumable supplies with like supplies in usable condition and of like grade, <br />quality and quantity within the time allowed for reimbursement under this Agreement. <br />D. The Assisting Party shall keep records to document all assistance rendered under this <br />Agreement. Such records shall present information sufficient to meet the audit requirements specified in <br />the regulations of FEMA and any applicable circulars issued by the State of Florida Office of <br />Management and Budget. Upon reasonable notice, the Assisting Party shall make its records available to <br />the Division and the Requesting Party for inspection or duplication between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on <br />all weekdays, except for official holidays. <br />ARTICLE IX. <br />Insurance. Each Participating Party shall determine for itself what insurance to procure, if any. With the <br />exceptions in this Article, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require any Participating Party <br />to procure insurance. <br />A. Each Participating Party shall procure employers' insurance meeting the requirements of the <br />Workers' Compensation Act, as amended, affording coverage for any of its employees who may be <br />injured while performing any activities under the authority of this Agreement, and shall file with the <br />Division a certificate issued by the insurer attesting to such coverage. <br />B. Any Participating Party that elects additional insurance affording liability coverage for any <br />10 <br />