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L- I <br />DEVELOPMENT & LOCATION: <br />The Laurels Subdivision Phase I is a 28 lot subdivision of a 10.80 <br />acre parcel of land located on the north side of 8th Street at 39th <br />Avenue. Three additional phases comprised of 85 lots on. 27.18 <br />-acres will be constructed and final platted in the future to make <br />113 lots for the overall subdivision. The subject property is <br />zoned RS -61 single family residential (up to 6 units per acre) and <br />has an L-2, Low Density 2 (up to 6 units per acre) land use <br />designation. The proposed density for this phase is 2.59 dwelling <br />units per acre, while the density for the overall subdivision is <br />2.98 dwelling units per acre. <br />At its regular meeting of August 27, 1992s the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission granted preliminary plat approval for the entire <br />subdivision, including Phases I through IV. On April 121 1994, <br />the Board of County Commissioners granted the developer's request <br />for a preliminary plat extension. The owner, Laurel Homes, Inc., <br />is now requesting final plat approval for Phase I and has submitted <br />the following: <br />1. A Phase I final plat in conformance with the approved <br />preliminary plat. <br />2. A cost estimate for construction of remaining required <br />improvements. <br />3. A contract for construction for the remaining required <br />improvements. <br />4. A letter of credit to guarantee the construction. <br />ANALYSIS: <br />A majority of the subdivision improvements have been completed, <br />with the exception of a sidewalk, roadway signage and markings, <br />sodding and some off-site utility work necessary to provide the <br />subdivision with sanitary sewer service. A contract for <br />construction for the remaining required improvements along with a <br />letter of credit to secure the contract has been submitted by the <br />applicant. The .County Engineering Division and Utility Services <br />have approved the amount of the letter of credit as being adequate <br />to cover the cost of the remaining required road, drainage, <br />sidewalk, and utility improvements. The County Attorney's Office <br />has approved the contract for construction and the format of the <br />letter of credit. <br />All applicable requirements regarding final plat approval have been <br />satisfied. Pursuant to the county's LDRs, once all construction is <br />completed, the applicant will be required to submit a warranty <br />maintenance agreement and post security to guarantee for 1 year the <br />performance of publicly dedicated subdivision road and drainage <br />improvements. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Based on the above analysis, staff recommends that- the Board of <br />County Commissioners grant final plat approval for The Laurels <br />Subdivision Phase I, authorize the Chairman to sign the contract <br />for construction, and accept the letter of credit. <br />OCTOBER 18, 1994 <br />3 <br />BOOK U�d PAGt1' <br />J <br />