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C. A description of the specific type of assistance needed within each Emergency Support <br />Function; <br />D. A description of the types of personnel, equipment, services, and supplies needed for each <br />specific type of assistance, with an estimate of the time each will be needed; <br />E. A description of any public infrastructure for which assistance will be needed; <br />F. A description of any sites or structures outside the territorial jurisdiction of the Requesting <br />Party needed as centers to stage incoming personnel, equipment, supplies, services, or other resources; <br />G. The place, date and time for personnel of the Requesting Party to meet and receive the <br />personnel and equipment of the Assisting Party; and <br />H. A technical description of any communications or telecommunications equipment needed to <br />ensure timely communications between the Requesting Party and any Assisting Parties. <br />ARTICLE V. <br />Responsibilities of Assisting Parties. Each Participating Party shall render assistance under this <br />Agreement to any Requesting Party to the extent practicable that its personnel, equipment, resources and <br />capabilities can render assistance. If a Participating Party which has received a request for assistance <br />under this Agreement determines that it has the capacity to render some or all of such assistance, it shall <br />provide the following information to the Requesting Party and shall transmit it without delay to the <br />Requesting Party and the Division. In providing such information, the Assisting Party may use Form B <br />attached to this Agreement, and the completion of Form B by the Assisting Party shall be deemed <br />sufficient to meet the requirements of this Article: <br />A. A description of the personnel, equipment, supplies and services it has available, together <br />with a description of the qualifications of any skilled personnel; <br />B. An estimate of the time such personnel, equipment, supplies, and services will continue to be <br />available; <br />5 <br />