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Florida Administrative Rules, statutes, or HUD regulations the more stringent <br />may be applied by County staff or designee. <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND DRI <br />PROGRAMS OPERATIONAL POLICES AND PROCEDURES <br />All procedures outlined in this section are applicable to all CDBG categories <br />including Regular Category Housing Rehabilitation, and the Disaster Recovery <br />Initiative Housing Rehabilitation and Assistance Category. The operational <br />procedures in this section govern all categories, unless otherwise specified, and <br />may be amended or expanded by any requirements set forth in the individual <br />strategies and the different programs and categories may require. <br />A. Housing Program Objectives <br />Maximizing community improvement and benefit should be the goal of any <br />housing program on its way to meeting national and/or State funding objectives. <br />The objectives of the County's Housing Rehabilitation Programs include but are <br />not limited to: <br />For all CDBG Programs, to assist and encourage the revitalization of very <br />low, low to moderate income neighborhoods through a Housing <br />Rehabilitation and Deferred Payment Loan (DPL) Program. <br />a. AMI means Area Median Income <br />b. VLI shall mean very low income or below thirty percent (30%) of AMI <br />c. LI shall mean low income or between thirty percent (30%) and fifty percent <br />(50%) of AMI <br />d. LMI shall mean low -to -moderate income or not to exceed eighty percent <br />(80%) AMI <br />e. OI shall mean over income for the particular income for which an Applicant <br />is applying for benefit under the list above. OI households cannot benefit <br />from CDBG direct assistance (in this case housing). <br />2. For DRI Only, to encourage the revitalization of very low, low to moderate <br />income neighborhoods affected by declared natural disasters through a DRI <br />Housing Rehabilitation and Deferred Payment Loan (DPL) Program. <br />3. For CDBG and DRI programs, to remove unhealthy or hazardous conditions <br />(slum and blight) in VLI and LMI households. <br />4. To use Community Development Block Grant rehabilitation grant funds as a <br />catalyst to encourage residents of VLI and LMI neighborhoods to improve <br />their community. <br />5. For CDBG and DRI programs, to address urgent community needs. <br />