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substantial and material change to the proposal, and provided that such revisions do not <br />unfairly affect other proposers. <br />6. Award of Proposals. The Originating Department shall be responsible for <br />preparing an agenda item submitting the committee's recommendation to the Board for <br />approval. A copy of the agenda ,item and all supporting documentation shall be provided <br />to the Purchasing Division prior to submission to the Board. The award shall be made to <br />the most responsive and responsible proposer whose proposal is determined to be the <br />most advantageous to the County, based upon.the evaluation criteria. <br />5.2 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) <br />Certain professional services are required by the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act to be <br />procured by the use of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). An RFQ may also be used to procure <br />professional services not covered by the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. <br />A. RFQ Process. An RFQ is characterized by an invitation to professionals to submit a <br />summary of their qualifications to perform a general or specific job or service. If the RFQ is subject <br />to the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act, the County shall select no less than three <br />professionals for discussions and, if requested by the County, for presentations. After staff <br />recommendation and approval by the Board, the County shall enter into negotiations for a <br />contract with the most qualified profession aI(s). RFQs shall be governed by the Consultants' <br />Competitive Negotiation Act, to the extent applicable. Except as modified by applicable law or this <br />manual, RFQs shall be advertised, received, opened and processed, and shall be corrected, <br />withdrawn and cancelled, in the same manner as bids discussed in Section 4. <br />B. Evaluation Criteria. The qualifications of each firm responding to an RFQ subject to <br />the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act shall be determined in accordance with the criteria <br />set forth in the Act, including, without limitation, the professional ability of personnel; whether <br />the firm is a certified minority business enterprise; past performance; willingness to meet time <br />and budget requirements; location; recent, current and projected workloads; and the volume of <br />work previously awarded to each firm by the County, with the object of effecting an equitable <br />distribution of contracts among qualified firms, provided such distribution does not violate the <br />principle of selection of the most highly qualified firms. The qualifications of each firm responding <br />to an RFQ which is not subject to the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act shall be <br />determined in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFQ. <br />C. €valaatiOR G94,,-�Selection Committee ("Committee"). A44 bion <br />ECommittee shall be appointed by the County Administrator. The Committee shall be <br />comprised of not less than three and not more than seven members. A majority of members shall <br />constitute a quorum. . . <br />D. Review of Qualifications. The €oai-ation Committee shall review the submittals of <br />all firms responding to the RFQ. If the RFQ is subject to the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations <br />Act, the Eval, iatit;R Committee shall select at least three firms (short list) for further discussions. <br />50 <br />