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Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Florida Blue
Excess Loss/Reinsurance Policy
stop loss policy
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An Independent Licensee of the <br />Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association <br />BASIS OF OFFER <br />Assumptions <br />• Aggregate coverage is only available when purchased with Specific coverage. <br />STOP LOSS PROPOSAL FOR <br />Indian River County Board of County Comm <br />initials 6date:9A24, <br />• This proposal is subject to revision if there is a change in effective or renewal dates, or a change in the plan of benefits. <br />• This proposal is based on the utilization of the Provider Network(s) and the Utilization Review Vendors) listed on this proposal. <br />• This proposal assumes a minimum participation level of 75% applies for all eligible enrollees under a contributory plan, and 100% under a non- <br />contributory plan. <br />• This proposal assumes the plan of benefits includes a pre -certification, utilization review and large case management program. <br />• This proposal is based on a description of the employee benefit plan(s) provided and approved by Florida Blue, employee and dependent census <br />data, plus any other information relevant to the underwriting risk. If any of the information was incorrect or changes the risk involved, the rates and <br />factors will be modified, and the specific and aggregate claims will be adjusted accordingly. <br />• Surcharges (including the bad debt and charity surcharge portion of the New York Reform Act applicable to services are rendered in New York <br />State), pool charges, and/or covered lives assessments may be covered under the stop loss policy if such charges are considered a claim cost. <br />Florida Blue is not responsible for the filing, and/or payment of any assessment for which Florida Blue is not directly liable including but not limited <br />to the New Hampshire Vaccine Assessment as modified by NH HB 664. <br />• All standard Policy provisions apply. The laws of the state where the policy is issued will apply. Certain exclusions and limitations may apply. <br />• Retirees are included in the stop loss coverage. <br />• This proposal will expire on the proposed effective date. <br />The dollar value of the minimum attachment point shown above is representative. The actual value of the minimum attachment point will be <br />calculated according to the terms of the stop loss policy. <br />• Unless otherwise limited or excluded by the stop loss policy or under the Individual Special Requirements, eligible claim expenses under the stop <br />loss policy will follow the covered underlying plan, up to the proposed Specific Benefit Maximum. <br />• The Agent is properly licensed and appointed by Florida Blue. <br />The initial rates are guaranteed for the proposed policy period unless otherwise noted. <br />• There are not more than 15% COBRA participants. <br />Qualifications <br />Any stop loss insurance requested and requested effective date of that coverage must be approved by us under our current rules and practices. <br />• Both the premium rates and the aggregate factors are subject to change should the number of employees change by 10% or more, either in total <br />and/or by single/family mix. <br />If the descriptions of the benefits or plan provisions differ from what was initially utilized to underwrite the risk, an updated Plan Document or other <br />acceptable plan description is required within 30 days of the proposed effective date, and the premium rates and aggregate factors may be <br />subject to re -rating, retro -active to the effective date. <br />Quote assumes the Plan Document will include traditional industry provisions and definitions including, but not limited to the following: eligibility, <br />HIPAA, termination provisions, extension for leave of absence or disability, FMtA, subrogation, transplants, COB, exclusions for job related <br />injuries, experimental and cosmetic treatment, usual and customary charges, war, not medically necessary, traveling outside of the U.S. solely for <br />the purpose of receiving medical care. In the event that a Plan Document is not available within 30 days from the proposed effective date, we <br />reserve the right to issue the Policy assuming standard exclusions will apply. <br />HIPAA Privacy rules permit the release of Protected Health Information (PHI) for the purpose of evaluating and accepting risk associated with the <br />Plan Sponsor as part of "Health care operations". Florida Blue will use this information solely for the purpose of evaluating and accepting the risk <br />and will not disclose any PHI collected except to perform this risk evaluation. <br />Coverage is underwritten by Florida Blue, Jacksonville. FL and is administered by HM Lite Insurance Company. Pittsburgh, PA. HM Lite insurance <br />Company is an independent company providing only administrative services. <br />Underwriter: REB (August 30. 2018) 10554202426-2018-546579-2-2 Page 5 of 6 <br />
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