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07/11/2018 (3)
07/11/2018 (3)
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Last modified
9/24/2018 11:51:01 AM
Creation date
9/24/2018 11:50:56 AM
Meeting Type
BCC Regular Meeting
Document Type
Meeting Date
Meeting Body
Board of County Commissioners
Budget Workshop
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B. Organization Capability <br /> 1. Provide the mission statement and vision of your organization: <br /> Mission Statement: <br /> Senior Resource Association promotes independence and dignity in our community by providing services to <br /> older adults and transportation to all. <br /> Vision: <br /> To be recognized as the most valuable resource for seniors in Indian River County. <br /> 2. Provide a brief summary of your organization, including areas of expertise, accomplishments and population <br /> served. <br /> Senior Resource Association (SRA), incorporated in 1974, provides programs and services designed to support <br /> an active, healthy, independent life for older adults. SRA assists seniors and their families in finding the <br /> resources they seek, delivers quality professional services that meet a senior's individual needs, and provides <br /> programs and volunteer opportunities for active older adults. SRA is recognized as the lead agency in Indian <br /> River County for home and community based services for older adults and as the Community Transportation <br /> Coordinator for Indian River County. Key services include: <br /> • *GoLine, the public transportation system with 15 fixed routes throughout the County and includes services <br /> to Indian River State College in Ft. Pierce. <br /> *Community Coach, the door-to-door paratransit service to eligible Americans with disabilities and <br /> transportation disadvantaged individuals. <br /> * Nutrition programs provide both homebound and mobile seniors with hot, nutritious midday meals, nutrition <br /> education and counseling. <br /> *Adult Day Care provides coordinated health, social and therapeutic activities in a supervised group setting <br /> for adults with functional and/or cognitive impairments, and respite to family caregivers, helping them to <br /> manage the demands of caregiving. <br /> *Case Management Services assist with determining basic support needs to maintain independence, and <br /> coordinating those services, which may include meals, Adult Day Care, and in-home services (personal <br /> care, homemaking, companionship and caregiver respite). <br /> * Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program provides emergency assistance for an <br /> energy-related crisis. <br /> *The Silver Tones Chorus is a joyful community singing group that performs twice a year. <br /> SRA remains the only agency in the county whose activities are directed solely to the distinctive needs of older <br /> adults. SRA operates with a budget in excess of$5 million, employs approximately 106 employees, and enlists <br /> the services of over 240 volunteers annually. <br /> 3. Briefly list any certifications and/or accreditations obtained by your agency. <br /> Senior Resource Association, Inc. is the Community Transportation Coordinator for Indian River County. <br /> 212 <br />
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