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there will lie a mxh-iirnum. amount of clearing. A short <br />distance down there's Ane, well 'water. 'Congenial n6gh- <br />hors will be assured for you through the selective <br />pro- <br />oedures of the Improvement Associa,:Uon- <br />T�herels much to a2" <br />TVe ocean bathing h6re is superb; the. bdttom dopes <br />gpjitly for a long"way out. Water skiing and boating I I — , . - 9 ork <br />the bclian Rivet can fill your sunsplasbed days or <br />picnicHrig-onthe beach.okth river ds. There's surf, <br />bjjage and aldff fishing andudli for the most avid ej.2-6er. <br />S munexplace is sequestered but not isolated. Around <br />the charniQ city of Vero33ea'ch are golf cow, excel - <br />9 <br />lent:xestauxants, smart shops, deep-sea. fiahing boats. <br />Vero itself is lovely and friendly, has several fins, motels <br />and 4partmentS, good niedi6al facilities, a small airport <br />and R:RouxW&g business center. <br />1W. Saks Information: <br />8213 S. Ocean Drive - Vito Eiii6h, Florida <br />Phone:40roan 2-6505 06 <br />