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AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />FISCAL YEAR 2018/2019 <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: Senior Resource Association, Inc. <br />Contact Person: <br />Title: <br />Address: <br />Jennifer Johnson <br />Chief Financial Officer, VP <br />694 14th Street <br />Vero Beach, FL 32960 <br />Telephone: 772.469.3141 <br />Fax: 772.778.7272 <br />E -Mail: <br />Website Address: www.SeniorResourceAssociation.Org <br />Program Title: Senior Services - Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Care, In -Home Services <br />I certify that information contained in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agency and that the <br />expenditures or portions thereof for which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed by any other source. <br />Jennifer Johnson. CFO. VP <br />Signature I I Print name and title <br />Brief Description Jhe Program for which funding is requested: <br />Senior Resource Association (SRA) is requesting match dollars for the Community Care for the Elderly, Alzheimer's <br />Disease Initiative, Home Care for the Elderly and the Older American Act grants. Services are provided to encourage <br />and enhance the natural support system of an older adult, with special emphasis on caregivers and families. <br />Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) - a general revenue statewide program that provides support services to Non - <br />Medicaid frail seniors. The community-based services are organized in a continuum of care to help functionally impaired <br />elders live in the least restrictive, yet most cost-effective, environment suitable to their needs. <br />Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) - a state wide program funded by general revenue that provides a continuum of <br />services to meet the changing needs of non -Medicaid individuals with, and families affected by, Alzheimer's disease and <br />related disorders. <br />Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) - a statewide program that supports care for Non -Medicaid eligible Floridians age 60 <br />and older in family -type living arrangements within private homes, as an alternative to institutional or nursing home care. <br />Older Americans Act (OAA) - a federal program initiative that provides assistance to older persons and caregivers and <br />is the only federal supportive services program directed solely toward improving the lives of older people. The primary <br />purpose of the OAA program is to foster the development and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated <br />systems to serve older individuals. The OAA program uses these systems to assist older individuals to attain and <br />maintain maximum independence and dignity in a home environment and allows for the capability of self -care -with <br />aDDropriate supportive services. <br />Summary Keport <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 201812019: $ 123,700 <br />Total Proposed Program Budget for 2018/2019: $ 2,453,100 <br />Percent of Total Program Budget: 5% <br />Current Funding (2017/2018) $ 119,610 <br />Dollar Increase/(decrease) in request: 4,090 <br />Percent increase/(decrease) in request: 3% <br />If request increased 5% or more, briefly explain why: <br />The Organization's Board of Directors has approved this application on (date): April 10,2018 <br />Carrie Adams \ <br />Name of President/Chair of Board Signature <br />Karen Deigl <br />Name of Exec. Director/CEO Signature <br />