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AGENCY REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM Indian River COUNTY <br />FISCAL YEAR 201812019 <br />A. Program Cover Page <br />Agency: <br />Indian River County Historical Society <br />Contact Person: <br />Ruth Stanbridge <br />Title: <br />County Historian <br />Address: <br />P.O. Box 2192 [2336 141' Ave] <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />Website Address: <br /> <br />Program Title: <br />History in Minis & Markers <br />Telephone: 772-567-5363 <br />Fax: above <br />E -Mail: <br />APR 10 Zola <br />I certify that information contained in this application accurately reflects the activities of this agent y and <br />that the expenditures or portions thereof for which County funds are being requested are not reimbursed . <br />b ny other source. <br />Ruth Stanbridge Grant Writer <br />Signature Print name and title <br />Brief descriation of the Pro9_ram for which funding is requested: <br />This grant request will allow the Historical Society to continue its series of 8 to 15 -minute mini historical <br />documentaries. These historical shorts blend vintage photographs & personal interviews to highlight the <br />historical & environmental resources and special places in Indian River County. These videos are viewed <br />through several media sources including websites and Facebook.' Presently, there are seven videos in <br />the Society's inventory with the latest release The Story of Jungle •Trail and the "trailer" on the Gifford <br />Community. This proposal will provide funding for additional videos in this coming year. <br />Amount requested: $24,000 <br />Three additional historical markers are planned to celebrate centennials — 1) the 1918 pineapple <br />plantation, Hallstrom Farmstead; the bridges at Royal Palm Pointe, part of the City of Vero Beach's <br />Centennial Celebration - 2019; and the centennial in 2020 of Jungle Trail. A QR code will be developed <br />to connect the historical markers to the appropriate mini -documentaries and a map of the location of the <br />markers will be produced. Amount requested: $8,000 <br />Amount requested from Indian River County for 201812019: $ 32,000 <br />Total Proposed Program budget for 2018/2019: $ 32.000 <br />Percent of total Program budget 100% <br />Current Funding (2017/2018) $15,000 <br />Dollar increase / (decrease) in request $17,000 <br />Percent increase/ decrease in request % <br />If request increased 5% or more, briefly explain why- <br />The <br />h The funding request for last year was reduced significantly so plans for the three Centennial celebrations <br />(described above) were delayed. One-time additional funding will be needed if these Centennial plans <br />can be completed. <br />