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FWC Agreement No. 18101 <br />K. Drug Free Workplace. Pursuant to the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Grantee attests and <br />certifies that the Grantee will provide a drug-free workplace compliant with 41 U.S.C. 81. <br />25. CONTRACT -RELATED PROCUREMENT. <br />A. PRIDE. In accordance with Section 946.515(6), F.S., if a product or service required for the <br />performance of this Contract is certified by or is available from Prison Rehabilitative Industries <br />and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE) and has been approved in accordance with Subsection <br />946.515(2), F.S., the following statement applies: <br />It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are the subject <br />of, or required to carry out, this contract shall be purchased from [PRIDE] <br />in the same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Subsections <br />946.515(2) and (4), F.S.; and for purposes of this contract the person, firm <br />or other business entity carrying out the provisions of this contract shall <br />be deemed to be substituted for this agency insofar as dealings with such <br />corporation are concerned. <br />The above clause is not applicable to subcontractors unless otherwise required by law. Additional <br />information about PRIDE and the products it offers is available athttp://www.pride-ente!prises.o . <br />B. Respect of Florida. In accordance with Subsection 413.036(3), F.S., if a product or service <br />required for the performance of this Contract is on the procurement list established pursuant to <br />Subsection 413.035(2), F.S., the following statement applies: <br />It is expressly understood and agreed that any articles that are the subject <br />of, or required to carry out, this contract shall be purchased from a <br />nonprofit agency for the blind or for the severely handicapped that is <br />qualified pursuant to Chapter 413, F.S., in the same manner and under the <br />same procedures set forth in Subsections 413.036(1) and (2), F.S.; and for <br />purposes of this contract, the person, firm or other business entity carrying <br />out the provisions of this contract shall be deemed to be substituted for the <br />state agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency are <br />concerned. <br />Additional information about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available <br />at http://www.respectofflorida.QM. <br />C. Procurement of Recycled Products or Materials. Grantee agrees to procure any recycled <br />products or materials which are the subject of or are required to carry out this Contract in <br />accordance with Section 403.7065, F.S. <br />26. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. <br />A. Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural, or Survey and Mapping. If this <br />Agreement is for the acquisition of professional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, <br />or registered surveying and mapping services, and is therefore subject to Section 287.055, F.S., the <br />following provision applies: <br />The architect (or registered surveyor and mapper or professional engineer, as <br />applicable) warrants that he or she has not employed or retained any company or <br />person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the architect (or <br />GRANT - GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY Ver. January, 2018 Page 16 of 20 <br />