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FWC Agreement No. 18101 <br />Attachment C <br />destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. For projects which may affect an <br />endangered or threatened species, either beneficially or adversely, a formal Section 7 <br />consultation is necessary. The State is required to name the listed species and/or critical habitat <br />included; list the name, description, and location of the area; list objectives of the actions; and <br />provide an explanation of the impacts of the actions on a listed species or its critical habitat. <br />1.10 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4347). <br />A. Summary. Requires that every proposed Federal action be examined to determine the <br />effects (beneficial or adverse) it will have on the human environment and that the findings be <br />considered in decisions regarding its implementation. <br />B. References. <br />(1) Regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality implementing the procedural provisions <br />of NEPA, (40 CFR 1500-1508). <br />(2) Departmental Manual, Environmental Quality, Part 516. <br />(3) Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, National Environmental Policy Act, Part 550. <br />(4) National Environmental Policy Act Handbook for Federal Aid Projects. The Assistant <br />Director -Fish and Wildlife Enhancement is authorized to promulgate the National Environmental <br />Policy Act Handbook for Federal Aid Projects. <br />C. Requirements. Each action proposed for Federal funding must include an Environmental <br />Assessment (EA), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), or show that the proposed activity is <br />covered by one or more categorical exclusions. For specific requirements and procedures, see <br />National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Handbook for Federal Aid Projects. <br />1.11 Floodplains and Wetlands Protection. <br />A. Summary. Federal Aid funds may not be used for projects affecting floodplains or wetlands <br />unless there is no practical alternative outside the floodplain or wetland and only if actions are <br />taken to minimize the adverse effects. <br />B. References. <br />(1) Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, 42 FR 26951 (May 25, 1977). <br />(2) Executive Order 11990, Protection of Wetlands, 42 FR 26961 (May 25, 1977). <br />(3) Department of Interior Procedures for Implementation, 520 DM 1. <br />(4) Natural Resources Protection, 613 FW. <br />C. Requirements. The Executive orders on floodplains and wetlands require Federal agencies <br />to review proposed actions to ensure that there are no practical alternatives outside the <br />floodplain or wetland, and to ensure that potential harm is minimized. If there are no practical <br />alternatives to proposed projects in floodplains or wetlands, actions to minimize the adverse <br />effects should be incorporated into the project plans. <br />1.12 Animal Welfare Act of 1985 7 U.S.C. 2131, et seq. <br />A. Summary. Requires the humane treatment of animals (exclusive of fish) used in research, <br />experimentation, testing, and teaching. <br />B. References. Regulations of the Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health <br />Inspection Service (APHIS), 9 CFR Parts 1, 2 and 3 (54 FR 36112 (Aug. 31, 1989). <br />" Attachment C, Page 4 of 9 <br />