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F WC Agreement No. 18101 <br />Attachment C <br />determinations of eligibility for those properties that are to be affected by the proposed activity. <br />(4) If a State is advised by the SHPO that an undertaking will adversely affect a property that is <br />eligible for or listed on the National Register, the State shall ask the appropriate Regional <br />Director to determine measures for mitigating or avoiding impacts. This may require the <br />development of a memorandum of agreement among the Service, State, and State Historic <br />Preservation Officer to address specific measures that will be employed to avoid or minimize <br />adverse effects to historic properties located within the area of potential effect. Adverse effects <br />that may diminish the character and integrity of historic properties include <br />(a) Physical destruction, damage, or alteration of all or part of the property, <br />(b) Isolation of the property from or alteration of the character of the property's setting when <br />that character contributes to the property's qualification for the National Register of Historic <br />Places; <br />(c) Introduction of visual, audible, or atmospheric elements that are out of character with the <br />property or alter its setting; <br />(d) Neglect of a property resulting in its deterioration or destruction, and <br />(e) Transfer, lease, or sale of the historic property. <br />(5) If a previously unknown property that is eligible for listing on the National Register is <br />discovered at any time during the implementation period of a Federal Aid project, the Regional <br />Director must be notified and all actions which may adversely effect it must be suspended. The <br />Service shall provide the State with instructions on how to proceed. <br />1.15 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Actof <br />1970, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4601) <br />A. Summary. Federal agencies may not approve any grant unless the grantee provides <br />Assurances that it will comply with the Act. Prices to be paid for lands or interests in lands must <br />be fair and reasonable (except when the price is fixed by law, or when the lands are to be <br />acquired at public auction or by condemnation and the value determined by the court). Persons <br />displaced from their homes, businesses, and farms must receive relocation services, <br />compensation, and fair equitable treatment. <br />B. References. <br />(1) Department of Interior Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition <br />Regulations (41 CFR 114-50). <br />(2) Department of Transportation Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition <br />for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs (49 CFR Part 24). <br />C. Appraisal Requirements. <br />(1) A real property owner or his designated representative must be contacted prior to making an <br />appraisal and given an opportunity to accompany the appraiser during inspection of the <br />property. The fact that it occurred must be documented in project files and in the appraisal <br />report. <br />(2) Real property must be appraised, the appraisal report reviewed, and the fair market value <br />established prior to initiation of negotiations with the owner. <br />(3) If the acquisition of only part of a property will leave the owner with an uneconomic remnant, <br />the State or other grantee must offer to buy the whole property. The term "uneconomic <br />remnant" applies only to Title III of the Act and the necessity of the acquiring agency to offer to <br />purchase such a remainder or the entire property. It is not to be construed with the term <br />"uneconomic unit" as it applies to the in -lieu payment of farm operations under Title II of the Act. <br />"P> Attachment C, Page 6 of 9 <br />