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12/7/2018 1:47:51 PM
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Work Order
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Stantec Consulting Services
Beach Preservation Plan 2019 Update
Alternate Name
Work Order No. 1
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November 15, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Task 7: Alternatives and Resiliency Assessment <br />Stantec will examine alternatives to enhance existing strategies and provide <br />recommendations for future consideration. Stantec will review the strategies previously <br />implemented and evaluate the performance of shore protection projects in terms of <br />whether the previous projects are meeting the Program's objectives and purpose. An <br />important factor in this assessment is the ability of a given alternative to be resilient. With <br />the dynamic nature of the coastline, implementing resilient projects is key to the long-term <br />success of the Program. Stantec will discuss possible alternatives (if warranted) and <br />provide recommendations for County consideration (i.e. more/less frequent renourishment <br />events, strategic placement of sand, dune restoration, coastal structures, ecosystem <br />enhancements, etc.). Regulatory and environmental constraints associated with the <br />various alternatives will be considered. <br />Task 8: Environmental Resources <br />Stantec will review and discuss the County's influence of beach restoration on <br />environmental resources. This will include an assessment of the sea turtle monitoring data <br />and nearshore hardbottom data (and other data as deemed appropriate) to evaluate <br />the importance of coastal restoration. This section will also present a holistic view to how <br />the County's environmental program is supported by the proactive beach management <br />program within the County. This work will rely heavily on work performed by others and <br />bring together previous monitoring results in a manner to determine the effect of the <br />Program on local wildlife. <br />Task 9: Management Strategy Recommendations <br />Various beach management strategies will be evaluated for each sector. While all sectors <br />will be evaluated, it is anticipated that focus will be on Sectors 3, 5 and 7 with respect to <br />management strategies, based on the previous BPP updates and a review of ongoing <br />efforts. Stantec will develop preliminary strategies to how best to restore and maintain the <br />County's coastal resources targeting a 15 -year horizon. This will also include an evaluation <br />of data collection efforts that the County maintains to assess the Program's performance <br />and recommendations of any proposed improvements to enhance the monitoring of the <br />coastline. This section will also discuss the effectiveness of the County's beaches program <br />over the last 20 years. A generalized strategy will be recommended for each sector. <br />Task 10: Forecasting BPP Costs <br />Stantec will work with County staff to develop a clear and concise prediction of future <br />costs for the next 15 years (2020 through 2035) to administer and plan for the County's <br />beach program. This will include a focused cost estimate for the first 5 years and a <br />projection for years 5 through 15. This analysis will include predicted costs for data <br />collection, engineering, permitting, surveying, construction, mitigation and monitoring to <br />D.,�S�o j <br />
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