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BOOK PA�r <br />ALTERNATIVES AND ANALYSIS <br />Staff and the consultant have agreed on a detailed scope of work. A man-hour estimate of 522 <br />hours is attached. The alternatives are as follows: <br />Alternative No. 1 <br />Approve the attached agreement between Indian River County and H.F. Lenz <br />Company as presented. <br />Alternative No. 2 <br />Instruct staff to renegotiate or cease negotiations with H.F. Lenz Company and <br />begin negotiations with the No. 2 firm, Carter Associates, Inc. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />Staff recommends Alternative No. 1 whereby the Chairman be authorized to execute the <br />attached agreement on behalf of the County. Project funding in the amount of $95,000 from <br />Local Option Gas Tax Revenue (Fund 109) was budgeted in the FY94/95 budget. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Engineering Services Agreement <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Macht, the Board unanimously (4- <br />0; Commissioner Eggert absent) approved <br />Alternate No. 1, the agreement with H.F. Lenz, <br />in the amount of $26,560, funded from Local <br />Option Gas Tax Revenue, as recommended in <br />staff's memorandum. <br />AGREEMENT ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />Commissioner Bird asked whether H.F. Lenz still had a local <br />office and local representation. Public Works Director Jim Davis <br />responded that while there had been a personnel change recently, <br />they still: maintain their local office in the same location and <br />that, in his opinion, they still had the ability to do the job with <br />registered professional engineers and land surveyors on staff. <br />38 <br />November 15, 1994 <br />