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BOOK WL f'Au 812 <br />The essential parts of the system contained five (5) Hi Fi VCRs, five <br />(5) color cameras and one (1) wide-angle camera for each courtroom as <br />specified in the contract. PCS has installed three (3) Hi Fi VCRs, four <br />(4) color cameras and no wide-angle camera. The contract is <br />unambiguous and clear. A copy is attached. The events leading up to <br />the contract do not have the same clarity as the contract itself. PCS <br />claims that what has been installed is all that the County is entitled to <br />based on some, less than clear, correspondence in October of 1993. <br />The discrepancy was discovered by the Clerk of the Court, Jeff <br />Barton, when he was at the courthouse for a discussion of microphone <br />placement. Mr. Barton reported this to Sonny Dean and the County <br />Attorney. The attached letter of November 2, 1994, prepared by this <br />writer, questions the discrepancy between the contract and the actual <br />installation and was hand delivered that day to a representative of PCS. <br />The final paragraph of said letter requested an "immediate response in <br />writing." To date none has been forthcoming, although several <br />meetings with Mr. Boyd of PCS were held with staff concerning this <br />matter. <br />The system as installed is functional but it will require an extra person <br />to insure proper functioning of the court. This person would not have <br />been necessary if the "Typical Dolman Court System" had been <br />installed. To bring the system up to contract specification would cost <br />at least $50, 000. The current contract is for a total of $250, 000. <br />PCS's position is unchanged and efforts to settle - this matter have <br />failed. <br />In view of the foregoing, staff requests authority to take necessary <br />legal action to resolve this matter. <br />Assistant County Attorney Terry O'Brien and Clerk Barton <br />responded to questions of the Commissioners. Attorney O'Brien <br />advised he had faxed a letter to PCS asking for the "specifics of <br />what we're getting". PCS faxed back 6 or 7 pages on February 4, <br />1994, as presented in the backup material, their "Typical Dolman <br />Court System Specifications," which was called for in the contract. <br />The system, as installed, did not include one wide-angle camera, <br />two Sony hi-fi VCR's, and one other camera. <br />Clerk Barton advised that his budget had been reduced <br />predicated on having the total increment of cameras and that, <br />without the wide-angle camera, an additional clerk would be <br />necessary -to keep a log of each hearing so that a transcription <br />could be provided if a case is appealed. <br />Attorney O'Brien advised of correspondence and meetings <br />that had occurred between Mr. Bruce Boyd of PCS but they had been <br />unable to resolve the differences in spite of intensive efforts. <br />The Commission discussed other possible solutions which were <br />not feasible because of retainage. <br />42 <br />November 15, 1994 <br />M M <br />
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