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ORDER NO. PSC -2018 -0581 -TRF -EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20180160 -EI <br />PAGE 4 <br />blocks of solar capacity. FPL stated in the instant petition that the reason for the delayed filing <br />for its shared solar program is that FPL needs more time to better assess market support for the <br />new program. In addition, FPL expects to collect additional data on how the new program would <br />impact the existing VSP program and to fmalize the design and implementation plans for the <br />shared solar program in 2019. <br />Specifically, FPL stated that it will be examining three areas: (1) the market potential for <br />each program, (2) which aspects of each program appeal to various customer groups, and (3) <br />whether introducing the shared solar program could cause customers to migrate out of the VSP <br />program and, if so, at what rates. This research will assist FPL in making an informed <br />recommendation regarding the future of the VSP program. <br />Conclusion <br />We agree with FPL that a one-year extension of the tariff will allow FPL to complete and <br />evaluate its research regarding how the VSP program and the planned shared solar program <br />would impact one another. We, therefore approve the one-year extension of the VSP program <br />and tariff. The revised tariff, as shown in Attachment A, shall be effective January 1 to <br />December 31, 2019. Prior to the expiration of the VSP program (December 31, 2019), FPL shall <br />petition this Commission regarding the future of the VSP program. <br />Based on the foregoing, it is <br />ORDERED by the Florida Public Service Commission that the one-year extension of <br />Florida Power & Light Company's VSP program is approved. It is further <br />ORDERED that the revised tariff, as shown in Attachment A, shall be effective January 1 <br />to December 31, 2019. It is further <br />ORDERED that prior to the expiration of the VSP program (December 31, 2019), FPL <br />shall petition this Commission regarding the future of the VSP program. It is further <br />ORDERED that if a protest is filed within 21 days of issuance of the Order, the tariff <br />shall remain in effect with any charges held subject to refund pending resolution of the protest. <br />It is further <br />ORDERED that if no timely protest is filed, this docket shall be closed upon the issuance <br />of a Consummating Order. <br />3 4 <br />