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potential impact on both County and City utility customers if the Sebastian Utility System <br />is not transferred to the County; <br />(1) The ability of the County to provide and maintain high quality and cost <br />effective utility service; and <br />(J) A statement prepared by the City Manager showing: (1) the transfer of the <br />Sebastian Utility System to the County is in the public interest, including a summary of the <br />County's experience in utility operation; and (2) the County has the financial ability to <br />provide, now and in the future, high quality and cost effective utility services. <br />SECTION 4. AUTHORITY TO COMPLETE PURCHASE AND SALE. Ain <br />interlocal agreement between the County and City entitled "Interlocal Agreement Providing <br />for the Transfer and Assumption of the City of Sebastian Water and Wastewater System" <br />which sets forth the consideration for the purchase, sale, transfer and assumption of the <br />Sebastian Utility System is attached as Exhibit "A" to the Resolution. The Council hereby <br />authorizes and directs the Mayor to execute such interlocal agreement on behalf of the City <br />in substantially the form of the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and to deliver a <br />fully executed copy of same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording pursuant to <br />Section 163.01, Florida Statutes. The officials, officers, attorneys and other agents or <br />employees of the City are hereby directed and authorized to do all acts and things required <br />of them by this Resolution and such interlocal agreement, for the full, punctual and complete <br />performance of all of the terms, covenants and agreements contained in this Resolution and <br />such interlocal agreement, and each such official, officer, attorney and other agent or <br />employee is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers and <br />instruments and to do and cause to be done all acts and things necessary or proper for <br />carrying out the transactions contemplated by this Resolution or such interlocal agreement. <br />SECTION 5. CONFLICT. All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict <br />herewith are hereby repealed. This Resolution supersedes Resolution No. R-95-42. <br />