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EXAMPLE CHANGE ORDER <br />Client: Indian River County, Florida Property Appraiser and Indian River County, Florida <br />(collectively, the "Parties") <br />Date: <br />Project Description (and estimated completion date. if appropriate): <br />Estimated Additional Fees: $ <br />We believe it is our responsibility to exceed the Parties' expectations. This Change Order is being <br />prepared because performance by us of the above project and/or additional service efforts was not <br />anticipated in our original Agreement dated April 1, 2019. The estimated fees for the above project have <br />been mutually agreed upon by the Parties and Rehmann. It is our goal to ensure that the Parties is never <br />surprised by the price for any Rehmann service and, therefore, we have adopted the Change Order Policy. <br />The estimated additional amount above is due and payable upon completion of the project described. <br />If management agrees with the above project description and the estimated fee amount, please <br />authorize and date the Change Order below. A copy is enclosed for the Parties' records. Thank you for <br />letting us serve the Parties. <br />Agreed to and accepted: <br />Name <br />Date <br />Name <br />Date <br />