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VABASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />• Colors: Some national and regional commercial chain stores <br />typically paint their buildings using bright and garish <br />colors. Such colors, however, are not characteristic of <br />Wabasso and are not compatible with the plan's objectives. <br />Therefore, colors of buildings and accessory structures within <br />the pian area shall be earth -tones and pastels. The selection <br />of earth -tones shall include the following colors: <br />(1) Any tint or t6ne of brown, including beige, tan, ocher <br />and olive. <br />(2) Any tone of green, having a minimum black content of six <br />(6) percent. <br />(3) Any tone of orange (warm red and yellow base), having a <br />minimum black content of three (3) percent. <br />(4) Any warm or cold shade of gray. <br />(5) Any tone of yellow,, having a minimum black content of <br />five (5) percent. <br />(6) Any tone of warm red, having a minimum black content of <br />five (5) percent and a minimum of red content of forty- <br />five (45) percent. <br />(7) White. <br />Earth tones shall, not include any metallic colors. <br />The selection of pastels shall be limited to those colors <br />having a minimum white content of 900. Other colors, <br />excluding flourescents, may be permitted as accent colors, not <br />to exceed 200 of the surface area of any one elevation. Where <br />other colors are used in a facade sign, the area of the facade <br />sign shall be included in the 200 limitation on the accent <br />color surface area. <br />The requirement for earth -tones and pastels shall not apply to <br />colors commonly found in natural materials such as brick or <br />stone, unless such material has been artificially colored in <br />a manner which would be contrary to the intent of these <br />regulations. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 16 <br />