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MARASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />• R811IzV OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SY VADASSO TASK FORCE MRS <br />An important component of the appearance of the corridor plan area <br />Is the design of buildings. A consistent architectural theme will <br />add to the visual continuity of and visually define the area. <br />Recognizing the benefits of a consistent architectural theme, this <br />plan contains a set of voluntary architectural guidelines. To <br />encourage developers to follow the voluntary architectural <br />guidelines, members of the Mabasso Corridor Task Force will be <br />notified of pre -application conferences and Technical Review <br />Committee (TRC) meetings for development projects proposed within <br />the planning area. Staff will send written notification to task <br />force members indicating the date and time of these meetings, the <br />nature of the applicantes proposal, and the availability of the <br />proposed development plan for review. <br />Staff and Webasso Corridor Task Force members will work with <br />applicants to ensure that every effort Is made to save protected <br />tress. No protected trees shall. be removed unless it is absolutely <br />necessary to accommodate a proposed site plan. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 26 <br />