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WABASSO CORRIDOR PLAN <br />• To recognize and enhance the character of the Wabasso <br />community <br />• To increase property values in the Wabasso corridor <br />• To prevent the establishment of incompatible land uses <br />and unattractive developments in the corridor <br />• To coordinate public and private investments to enhance <br />the function and appearance of the corridor <br />These statements of purpose are derived from the community's vision <br />for Wabasso. As a brief description of how the community would <br />like Wabasso to look in the future, the vision statement represents <br />a consensus among Wabasso"s residents, business owners, and <br />property owners. The community"s vision is as follows: <br />PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br />Unlike many planning initiatives, the Wabasso Corridor planning <br />process was community initiated. Instead of being mandated by the <br />county or the state, the Wabasso Corridor planning effort came <br />about as a result of a request by several members of the Wabasso <br />community. <br />Recognizing that growth pressures were increasing in Wabasso,' <br />several Wabasso property owners approached planning staff in July, <br />1994 and requested assistance in establishing requirements to <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PAGE 2 <br />