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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS <br />UTILITY WORK BY HIGHWAY CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT <br />(AT UTILITY EXPENSE) <br />IRC -PW determines that use of the right of way is needed for other active utilities that cannot be <br />otherwise accommodated in the right of way. Removal shall be at the sole cost and expense of <br />the CITY and without any right of the CITY to object or make any claim of any nature whatsoever <br />with regard thereto. Removal shall be completed within the time specified in the IRC-PW's notice <br />to remove. In the event that the CITY fails to perform the removal properly within the specified <br />time, the IRC -PW may proceed to perform the removal at the CITY's expense pursuant to the <br />provisions of Sections 337.403 and 337.404, Florida Statutes. <br />Except as otherwise provided in Subparagraph e. above, the CITY agrees that City Facilities shall <br />forever remain the legal and financial responsibility of the CITY. Said costs shall include, but shall <br />not be limited to, charges or expenses which may result from the future need to remove the <br />Facilities or from the presence of any hazardous substance or material in or discharging from the <br />Facilities. Nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to require the CITY to indemnify the IRC - <br />PW for the IRC-PW's own negligence; however, it is the intent that all other costs and expenses <br />of any nature be the responsibility of the CITY. <br />6. Default <br />a. In the event that the CITY breaches any provision of this Agreement, then in addition to any other <br />remedies which are otherwise provided for in this Agreement, the IRC -PW may exercise one or <br />more of the following options, provided that at no time shall the IRC -PW be entitled to receive <br />double recovery of damages: <br />(1) Terminate this Agreement if the breach is material and has not been cured within sixty (60) <br />days from written notice thereof from IRC -PW. <br />(2) Pursue a claim for damages suffered by the IRC -PW. <br />(3) <br />If the Utility Work is reimbursable under this Agreement, withhold reimbursement payments <br />until the breach is cured. The right to withhold shall be limited to actual claim payments <br />made by IRC -PW to third parties. <br />(4) If the Utility Work is reimbursable under this Agreement, offset any damages suffered by <br />the IRC -PW or the public against payments due under this Agreement for the same Project. <br />The right to offset shall be limited to actual claim payments made by IRC -PW to third <br />parties. <br />(5) <br />Suspend the issuance of further permits to the CITY for the placement of Facilities on IRC - <br />PW property if the breach is material and has not been cured within sixty (60) days from <br />written notice thereof from IRC -PW. <br />(6) Pursue any other remedies legally available. <br />(7) <br />Perform any work with its own forces or through contractors and seek repayment for the <br />cost thereof under Section 337.403(3), Florida Statutes. <br />b. In the event that the IRC -PW breaches any provision of this Agreement, then in addition to any <br />other remedies which are otherwise provided for in the Agreement, the CITY may exercise one or <br />more of the following options: <br />(1) Terminate this Agreement if the breach is material and has not been cured within sixty (60) <br />days from written notice thereof from the CITY. <br />(2) If the breach is a failure to pay an invoice for Utility Work which is reimbursable under this <br />Agreement, pursue any statutory remedies that the CITY may have for failure to pay <br />invoices. <br />N:\Client Docs\Water & Sewer\Water & Sewer Utility Relocation Agreement 2019.2.26.docx <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />