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Board of County Commissioners <br />Meeting Minutes - Final March 26,2019 <br />the need for additional Pickleball Courts. She asked for the Board's <br />consideration to move the $450,000 allocated in the County's FY 2021/2022 <br />Budget to the FY 2020/2021 Budget for the additional Pickleball Courts. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan inquired on the location and the size of the proposed <br />project: for the Pickleball Courts with County. Administrator Brown replying <br />that South County Park was the primary location. Ms. Colacino felt that in <br />order to bring in tournaments, South County Park would not be able to <br />accommodate the volume. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan suggested Pickleball University approach the City of. <br />Vero Beach to see if they would consider Pickleball Courts an appropriate use <br />at the former Dodgertown Golf Course property with Chairman Solari not being <br />in support of Commissioner O'Bryan's suggestion. <br />The Board sought questions from Ms. Colacino on the locations and expressed <br />their concerns for Pickleball Courts at Dodgertown. It was suggested that <br />Pickleball University create a master plan, <br />Commissioner Solari, with the consensus of the Board, recommended staff take <br />a look at the sport and the availability of space within the County and come <br />back to the Board in the next four to six weeks with a recommendation. <br />The Chairman called for a recess at 9:59 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at <br />10:09 a.m., with all members present. <br />C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS <br />12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br />A. Community Development <br />12.A.1. 19-0230 <br />Recommended Action: <br />Final Recommendations from the Development Review and Permit <br />Process Advisory Committee <br />Staff recommends that the Board consider the Committee's final <br />recommendations and provide staff direction on any of those recommendations <br />the Board wishes to pursue. <br />Indian River County Florida <br />Page 11 <br />