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This document was prepared by <br />god should be returned to <br />the County Attorney's Office <br />1801 27th Street <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />3120200000616 <br />RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF <br />JEFFREY R SMITH, CLERK OF COURT <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FL <br />BK: 3266 PG: 2395 Page 1 of 4 1/62020 11:26 AM <br />DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS <br />This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions ("Declaration') is established by <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, on behalf of <br />itself, its successors, successors -in -title and assigns ("Declarant'). <br />BACKGROUND STATEMENT <br />Indian River County, pursuant to the requirements of Section 125.379 Florida Statutes, prepared a <br />list of County -owned land appropriate for the provision of affordable housing, and on June 4, 2019, <br />following a duly noticed public hearing, adopted Resolution 2019-40, finding that certain County -owned <br />parcels, as set forth therein, were appropriate for the provision of affordable housing. <br />Indian River County is desirous of donating three (3) properties described in the attached Exhibit <br />"A" to Every Dream Has A Price, Inc. ("Grantee"), a non-profit corporation organized exclusively for <br />charitable, religious, literary, scientific, and educational purposes as set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the <br />Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Section 501(c)(3) Entity"), and specifically organized for the <br />purpose of building homes and/or rental units for extremely -low-income, very -low-income, and low-income <br />households. Additionally Grantee has submitted its qualifications demonstrating its ability to construct <br />affordable rental units. <br />DECLARATION OF BINDING EFFECT <br />Declarant, as the owner of the properties described in Exhibit "A" to this Declaration, hereby declares <br />that this Declaration shall run with the title to the real property described in Exhibit "A". This Declaration <br />shall govern the development and use of the real property and shall be binding upon the Declarant, Every <br />Dream Has A Price, Inc., future owners, their respective successors, successors -in -title and assigns, and shall <br />run with the land and touch and concern the property and any and all single family or multi -family residential <br />dwelling rental units constructed. <br />The property as improved with the single family or multi -family residential dwelling rental units is <br />herein referenced as the "Property", and any one individual rental unit is herein referenced as a "Rental <br />Property Unit'. <br />1.Use of Property. Each Rental Property Unit shall be used solely for residential rental purposes. The Rental <br />Property Unit may not be used for any non-residential purposes whatsoever, except for home office uses permitted <br />by applicable zoning regulations. <br />2.Definitions. The following terms as used in this Declaration shall have the meanings given below: <br />2.1. "Rented" means execution of a Rental Agreement between the Grantee as landlord and the Tenant for <br />one of the Rental Property Units at a Rent that is Affordable. <br />2.2 "Tenant' means the natural person who has or natural persons who have: (a) Rented the Rental Property <br />Unit to use and occupy as the principal residence of the household; and (b) a household Adjusted Gross Income (as <br />defined herein) that qualifies as Very -Low -Income or Low -Income (as such terms are defined in Florida Statutes <br />section 420.0004). <br />2.3. "Adjusted for Family Size" means adjusted in a manner which results in an income eligibility level which <br />is lower for households with fewer than four people, or higher for households with more than four people, than the <br />base income eligibility determined as provided in Florida Statutes section 420.0004(1) based upon a formula as <br />established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />2.4. "Adjusted Gross Income" means all wages, income from assets, regular cash or noncash contributions <br />or gifts from persons outside the household, and such other resources and benefits as may be determined to be income <br />by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Adjusted for Family Size (as defined herein), <br />