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Addendum I <br />Funding Priorities for the E911 State Grant Program <br />The criteria for determining acceptability for disbursement of funds from the State of Florida E911 State Grant Program will <br />be made on a PRIORITY basis. There will be seven (7) priorities as identified below: <br />PRIORITY 1: <br />PRIORITY 2: <br />Primary and/or Secondary PSAP systems that require immediate system replacement to provision enhanced <br />911 status or when the expected remaining life of the system is less than 1 year. <br />Systems that require new or replacement of critical or necessary hardware or software. This may include <br />the following Primary and/or secondary PSAPs system equipment, listed in order of funding priority 1 <br />through 8: <br />a. Hardware and software for communications or terminal equipment located at a PSAP for 911 call processing, ANI <br />and ALI display and call answering. <br />b. Lightning Protection Equipment <br />c. Uninterruptible Power Supply system and or Generator <br />d. E911 Voice Recording Equipment <br />e. County E911 Standalone ALI Database Equipment <br />f. E911 Map Display Equipment <br />g. New additional 911 Call Taker Position Equipment <br />h. Net clock <br />PRIORITY 3: Consolidation of E911 PSAPs, which decreases the number of Primary or Secondary PSAPs in the county <br />by a minimum of one. This may include regional consolidated backup systems for counties consolidating <br />backup systems for two or more counties. <br />PRIORITY 4: Mapping system and services necessary for provisioning Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This <br />may include the following, listed in order of funding priority a through b: <br />a. <br />b. <br />c. <br />E911 Map System Equipment - E911 map generation hardware and software licensing is limited to components for <br />two stations <br />GIS Centerline, point generation and map accuracy systems <br />GIS Data support <br />PRIORITY 5: Development and maintenance of 911 routing statewide, geographic, and management information <br />systems. (Funded by Prepaid wireless) <br />PRIORITY 6: NG -911 Equipment and Services <br />PRIORITY 7: Backup system equipment (see Priority 2) <br />Regional E911 system project requests related to systems and equipment will be considered the highest priority within each <br />priority category. <br />Grants awards will be funded in order of priority assigned. The acceptability for disbursement of funds from the State of <br />Florida E911 State Grant Program for any E911 expense items not expressly provided for in Priorities above shall be <br />determined at the discretion of the E911 Board pursuant to its authority under Sections 365.172 and 365.173, Florida <br />Statutes. <br />Application for E911 State Grant Program , revised 01/2018 <br />Page 22 <br />W Form 3A, incorporated by reference in Fla. Admin. Code R. 60FF1-5.003 E911 State Grant <br />57 <br />