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Eric L. Flavell, P.E. <br />June 1, 2019 <br />Page 3 <br />• Provision to LTG of a properly executed contract PRIOR to LTG performing services identified; <br />• Updated Design Files reflecting the revisions requested by the County and agreed to by the CLIENT; <br />• Written approval by the CLIENT of any modifications to the SCOPE required of LTG; <br />• Timely payment of invoices as described in Attachment C; <br />• Advanced notice of meetings requiring LTG staff attendance (by phone only); and <br />• Provision to LTG of all required topographic survey, DTM models, geotechnical borings, utility information <br />(locations, coordination and relocations) necessary for design of the proposed improvements. Topographic <br />survey is to be provided with a topographic data file export either in .DAT format or as an ASCII file with <br />headers and a row for each data point. Each data point shall include the Name, Northing, Easting, Elevation, <br />and Code for import into AutoCAD. <br />SERVICES NOT INCLUDED <br />In addition to any other task not specifically identified in the SCOPE, the items listed below would constitute <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES and would require written mutual authorization, including changes to the SCHEDULE <br />and COMPENSATION, by LTG and the CLIENT prior to initiation of said additional work: <br />• Preparation of more than a single plans package; <br />• Pavement Design; <br />• Pavement Cores; <br />• Cross Slope Correction; <br />• Re -design and revisions due to site plan revisions or requested changes in design concept, layout or scope; <br />• Appraisal services; <br />• Design services outside of the project limits; <br />• Drainage and stormwater treatment design and permitting; <br />• Stormwater modeling and Critical Storm analysis; <br />• SJRWMD permitting, except for the permit determination letter; <br />• Indian River County permitting; <br />• FDOT Permitting; <br />• Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) permitting; <br />• United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) permitting; <br />• Site specific Traffic Control design, plans and lane closure calculations; <br />• Landscaping plans; <br />• Historical preservation permitting; <br />• Archeological permitting; <br />• Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) coordination or involvement; <br />• Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Coordination; <br />• Utility coordination services; <br />• Utility relocation or design; <br />• Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Potable water and wastewater permitting; <br />• Construction staking; <br />• Aerial photography; <br />• Permit application fees; <br />• Wetland mitigation and fees; <br />• Surveying and mapping services; <br />• As -built Drawing preparation; <br />• Geotechnical engineering; and <br />• Subsurface utility engineering (SUE) <br />4LTG <br />Engineering <br />& Planning <br />