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different from assessment; special situations; and errors in <br />assessment rolls. <br />Mr. Torres added closing remarks and stated what was in place <br />was really quite good. Their recommendations were really <br />refinements of the current system and they will be pleased to <br />assist the County in the implementation. <br />Following the presentation, Commissioner Adams assumed the <br />Chair, announced the Chairman had left on a family emergency, and <br />opened the floor to questions from the Commissioners to be followed <br />by comments from the public. <br />Commissioner Adams asked why the calculations were based on <br />square footage and Mr. Gutner explained the basis of their <br />reasoning was on the existing system, that other bases could be <br />used, but square footage generally doesn't change and it was <br />considered equitable. <br />Commissioner Bird expanded the query saying it always comes up <br />about the equity of calculating based on square footage, that <br />commercial users reason that the charge should be based on <br />container size. He asked for a response to that comment. Mr. <br />Gutner responded in detail concerning the findings of their study, <br />impact of changes in amounts of recycled items, and believed as the <br />program became more refined and recycling increased, that the <br />assessments would be more equitable. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if adjustments could be made mid -year <br />based on fluctuating usage and Director Pinto responded in detail <br />that although a particular user might generate less waste at <br />certain times of the year, the fees do allow for variation; the <br />County must provide the service all the time and the County's costs <br />do not go down based on lesser usage by particular users at <br />particular times. <br />Commissioner Adams opened the meeting to public comment. <br />Dennis Silver, owner of the Long Branch Saloon, asked <br />questions of Commissioners Adams and Bird concerning volume, <br />weight, and recycling and suggested a minimum fee based on volume, <br />not weight. <br />Carlton Miller, 9280 - 44th Avenue, Wabasso, worked in Broward <br />County Solid Waste for 15 years and warned the Board not to get <br />sold on composting, because of its low aesthetics and low nutrient <br />10 BOOK 94 FA,k 208 <br />January 31, 1995 <br />M M M <br />